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The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Williamstown, MA

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1845, Place de la Concorde, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56840
1845, Eglise Saint Sulpice, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56864
1845, Fontaine de la Place Louvois, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56843
1845, Ecole Militaire et Champ de Mars, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56851
1845, Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56849
1845, Chateau des Tuileries, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56844
Charles Nègre, 1862, Lord Brougham and his family at the Villa Eléonore Louise, Cannes, Albumen print, from wet-collodion-on-glass negative, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/99472
Charles Nègre, 1850-1853, Henri Le Secq and Gustav Le Gray (?) in Charles Negre's Courtyard, Salted paper print, from paper negative, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/99474
1845, Le Louvre, Cote de la Colonnade, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56857
1845, Fontaine Moliere, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56859
Charles Nègre, 1853 (ca), Coco Seller, 21 Quai de Bourbon, Paris, Waxed paper negative, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/99475
1845, Vue Generale, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56841
1845, Colonne de la Place Vendome, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56860
1845, Chambre des Deputes et Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56856
1845, Vue prise du Pont Neuf, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56848
1845, Notre-Dame, Eglise Metropolitaine, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56858
1845, Vue de Dome des Invalides, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56862
Charles Nègre, 1851-1853, Arlesienne at the entrance of the Cloisters of St. Trophime, Salt print, from waxed paper negative, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/99477
1845, Cascade et Chateau de St Cloud, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56854
1845, Chateau de Versailles, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56855
1845, Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56852
1845, La Bourse, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56847
1845, Vue Generale, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56853
1845, Pantheon, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56863
1845, Eglise St Germain L'Auxerrois, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56845
1845, Eglise de la Madelaine, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56850
Unidentified photographer, 1800-1899, Château de Blois, Aile de François 1er-Soubassement du Grand Escalier, Albumen print, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/113731
1845, Hotel de Ville, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56842
1845, Book title page for Jean Baptiste Marie Chamouin, 1840 (?), Collection de vues de Paris prises au daguerréotype : gravures en taille douce sur acier / par Chamouin, [Paris: Chamouin], Book title page, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56839
1845, Colonne de Juillet, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56861
1845, Palais Royal, [Vues de Paris], Book plate, based on a daguerreotype, The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, LL/56846

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