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Alois Auer
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Alois Auer, 1853, Naturselbsdruck, [Nature print], Nature print, Archive Farms, LL/117363
Alois Auer, 1853 (ca), [Microscopic view on an insect], Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/36173
Alois Auer, 1855, Gutenberg, Magazine, front cover, Archive Farms, LL/123506
Alois Auer, 1856 (ca), Astragalus oroboides (Naturselbstdruck), Intaglio print, George Eastman Museum, LL/75323
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Alois Auer, 1853, Title page of Alois Auer "the Polygraphic Apparatus, or, The Different Departments of Art carried on in the Imperial Court and Government Printing-Office in Vienna by Louis Auer" (Vienna: Imperial Court and Government Printing Office, 1853), Title page, Google Books, LL/36174

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