Augustus Le Plongeon, 1873 (ca), Uxmal: Nunnery Quadrangle, West Building, front (east) facade; section between 2nd and 3rd doorways from left; including standing figure wearing loincloth and cape, holding staff across chest. Maya assistant and Alice Dixon Le Plongeon., Albumen print, Getty Research Institute, LL/46674
Edouard Foà, 1890 (after), Album cover for Co^te d'Or-Ashantis-Krou-Mandigo-Niger-Salaga-Te´ne´riffe-Madere, 1886-1890, Album cover, Getty Research Institute, LL/76320
Thomas Sutton, 1855, Title page for Thomas Sutton, 1855, The Calotype Process. A Hand Book to Photography on Paper, (London: Joseph Cundall), Book title page, Getty Research Institute, LL/107156