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Photo outlets
Richard T. Rosenthal
4718 Springfield Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Tel: 215 726 5493
Fax: 215 726-5926

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Unidentified photographer, n.d., Advert for "A. R. Bills, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Spofford Block, Up Stairs, Rockford, Maine", Carte de visite, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99250
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Maison mortuaire du général Lourmel., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100045
Niagara Lithograph Co. (Buffalo, N. Y.), n.d., Take a Kodak with you, Poster, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100954
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102332
Keystone View Company, 1900, Dr. Sheldon Jackson and Government Reindeer, Haines, Alaska., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107272
F. Offo Graichen (Chemnitz), n.d., Cinderella stamp for "F. Offo Graichen", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103066
Kusakabe Kimbei, n.d., Business card for K. Kimbei, Business card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/97923
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Kids with and autogiro models, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99006
Unidentified photographer(s) / Unidentified photocollage artist, n.d., Photocollage of an Orientalist scene, Photocollage, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/96360
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Monastère Saint-Georges, à Balaclava, Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100046
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Quo Vardis?, Real photo postcard, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100256
Unidentified photographer, 1957, Calendar with tipped-on photograph of a seated woman with a fan, Calendar, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100137
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Quartier- général d'Omer-Pacha, à Baidar., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100049
Unidentified photographer, 1922 (or later), Exploitation of Tout-Ankh-Amon's Tomb, Postcard, collotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98915
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99767
Unidentified photographer, 1850-1855 (ca), George Washington's tomb at Mt.Vernon, Salt print, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/105651
Tancrède Dumas, n.d., The Grand Mosque. Damascus., Stereoview, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99810
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), Dedication in the album "Im Putt", [Im Putt], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99753
William N. Jennings, n.d., Signature for "W.N. Jennings", Signature, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101508
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Reclining Man, Cyanotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98505
Unidentified photographer(s) / Unidentified photocollage artist, n.d., Photocollage of a group with dancers and a musician, Photocollage, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/96359
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Tim McCoy, Halftone, film still, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/105921
Paul Régnard, 1876-1877, Hystero-Epilepsie : Hallucination, [Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, Planche XXXIV], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101651
Unidentified photographer, 1914-1918 (ca), Pontoon across River Marne, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101505
Unidentified photographer, 1939-1945 (ca), Working in a WWII US Army photographic lab, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101521
Jeremiah Gurney, n.d., Louisa Myers, Carte de visite, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100032
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99758
Andreas Groll, 1862 (published), {Armour from the Ambras Castle collection], Salt print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98175
Charles Schenk, n.d., Three photographs of women having a meal, Photographs (x3), Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100937
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102341
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Teeth Extracted Without Pain - The Ritter Painless Dental Co., Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/108051
Unidentified photographer, 1895-1905 (ca), Beech St. elevated Station. E. end [Building the Boston Subway System], Cyanotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102167
Foto Magasinet, n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Foto Magasinet", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103068
William N. Jennings, n.d., [Lightning], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101507
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Landscape with clouds, Cyanotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98310
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99765
Unidentified photographer, n.d., The Queen's Staircase, Nassau [Bahamas], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102965
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Intérieur du fort de Kinburn., Stereoview, label, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100048
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a child with a doll, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101027
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102331
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A man in handcuffs and a prison uniform with a woman in a suitably melodramtic pose, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102216
Knud Knudsen, n.d., Sørfjorden seet fra Tokheim, Odde I Hardanger., Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99496
C.H. Gallup, n.d., "The Twins" - "Facial Expressions caught" - "Quick as a Wink", Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99247
Unidentified photographer, 1905-1915 (ca), A lion being taking for a car ride, Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101049
William England, 1873, The Pastoral Reed, Bas Relief by R. Wallace Martin, [International Exhibition 1873], Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100125
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A criminal is apprehended by an armed policeman, Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102176
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99763
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Hat weavers still retain their stalls at the Volador [Mexico], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/106215
G.K. Proctor, n.d., Label for "G.K. Proctor's New Photographic Gallery", Tintype, little gem, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100611
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a man in uniform seated at a table, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101028
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a man seated beside a table that has a box for storing stereoviews on it, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101035
Eastman Kodak Co., n.d., The Simple, Kodak Way, Advert, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100958
L.G. Francis, n.d., Backmark for "L.G. Francis, Auburn, N.Y.", Carte de visite, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/104195
Unidentified photographer, 1922 (or later), Exploitation of Tout-Ankh-Amon's Tomb, Postcard, collotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98914
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Intérieur du fort de Kinburn., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100047
Clarence Sinclair Bull, 1943 (film release), Red Skelton Dunking A Doughnut for his new movie, "Whistling In Brooklyn.", Gelatin silver print, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100808
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1950 (ca), "Photos must not be altered by trimming", Wet stamps, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99093
Unidentified photographer, 1911, "Emancipation" Historical Pageant, Lyman(sic) School 1911, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102011
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99757
Rotophot (publisher), 1916 (or later), Jacques Pohl, Moravian Bass [Playing card format], Real photo postcard, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100904
n.d., Premo Cameras, Advert, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100959
Hugo Brehme, n.d., [Volcanic eruption, Mexico], Gelatin silver print, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101645
Unidentified artist, n.d., Don't Just Stand There -- Shoot Him!, Postcard, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107311
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1950 (ca), "Please Credit Henri Cartier-Bresson Magnum Photos Inc.", Wet stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99094
The Bridgeport Cyanotypist, n.d., Chickens, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98273
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102339
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102338
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a seated woman, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101036
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Camp de la soif, source à Baider., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100043
Rotophot (publisher), 1916 (or later), Saharet, Australian dancer [Playing card format], Real photo postcard, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100905
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Flooded streets with an advertisement for a performance of "Faust", Photograph, snapshot, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102020
Paul Régnard, 1876-1877, Portfolio cover for Bourneville & P. Regnard, 1876-1877, Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, (Paris), [Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière], Portfolio cover, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101646
J.H. Smith (Milton, VT), n.d., A baby in a basin, Carte de visite, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101893
n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Kr. Hude Roskilde", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103042
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Posing with chickens, Gelatin silver print, snapshot, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102014
Henri Besson, n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Henri Besson", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103071
Insley & Martyr (Jersey City), n.d., Back label for "The World Moves!", Tintype, label, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100038
Eastman Kodak Co., n.d., Kodak as you go., Advert, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100956
Rotophot (publisher), 1916 (or later), Cleo De Merode, French Dancer [Playing card format], Real photo postcard, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100901
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a woman, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101023
Unidentified photographer (French / English), n.d., Man With A Shotgun While Another Man Drinks From A Pond., Stereoview, salted paper print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107832
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Quo Vardis?, Real photo postcard, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100328
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1938 (taken) 1950 (ca, print), On the Banks of the Marne, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99092
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a young woman with an open photograph album on the table beside her [detail], Albumen print, detail, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101031
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Crystal center piece presentation set made to Colonel W.W. Anderson, Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99109
Unidentified photographer, n.d., untitled [Bas-relief], Blanquart-Evrard salt print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100100
Rotophot (publisher), 1916 (or later), Adalbet Matkowski, Shakespearean actor [Playing card format], Real photo postcard, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100903
John Thomson, n.d., Chinese Barber in the Street, Postcard, collotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103252
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Wet stamp "Prends Moi Tel Que Je Suis." This translates as "Take me as I am." There are also three groups of letters in the stamp: ELC/ CDR/ FAP., Wet stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101022
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A Street in Nassau [Bahamas], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102968
Unidentified artist, n.d., Our Artist Taking The Florida Alligator. / The Florida Alligator Taking Our Artist., Illustration, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98372
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99760
Unidentified photographer, 1897, The Deleon Hat for Fall, 1897 is the Best in the World, Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99241
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102337
Unidentified photographer, 1922 (or later), Exploitation of Tout-Ankh-Amon's Tomb, Postcard, collotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98913
Unidentified photographer, n.d., St Peter's, Rome, Salt print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100035
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A winter scene with a standing man with a chicken on his shoulder, Gelatin silver print, snapshot, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102013
Auty & Heaven (Blenheim House, Baxter Place, Edinburgh), 1901, The Morning Post, Saturday, April 20, 1901. War Honours. Rewards for Service. - Distinguished Conduct. Railway Division, Mafeking. Sergt.-Maj. P. Moffat, signalling sergeant (late 3rd Dragoon Guards)., Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107532
Paul Régnard, 1876-1877, Periode Teminale :Extase, [Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, Planche XXIV], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101649
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton, 1st Baronet, KCVO (10 May 1848 - 2 October 1931), Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101732
Holmes, n.d., Label for "Holmes' Machine Portraits. Portraitypes One Shilling. Photographs One Dollar. Depot, 289 Broadway.", Machine Portrait, Portratype, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100040
Unidentified photographer (Falk?), n.d., Harmony - Discord, Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99245
C.H. Gallup, n.d., "The Twins" - "Facial Expressions caught" - "Quick as a Wink", Cabinet card, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99248
Asahel Curtis, n.d., Mount Rainier, Platinum print, hand-coloured, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101678
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Bay Steet and Market, Nassau [Bahamas], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102966
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Two sweepers, Tintype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100034
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Arch near the Government house, Nassau [Bahamas], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102964
Unidentified artist, 1960, October, The 3-D Camera (Mad Magazine, no. 58, Oct. 1960), Magazine page, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107312
Schreiber & Sons, 1880 (copyright), The Mother Elephant 'Hebe' and her Baby 'Americus.', Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100677
Unidentified photographer, 1935, Joe Louis. Boxe, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/106258
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1950 (ca), Wet stamps of the back of a Henri Cartier-Bresson print - "Please Credit Henri Cartier-Bresson Magnum Photos Inc.", Wet stamps, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99096
Unidentified photographer, n.d., After a Drunk, Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99243
Holmes, n.d., Portrait of a man, Machine Portrait, Portratype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100039
Unidentified photographer, 1914-1918, French Refugees during the First World War, Photograph, with paper caption, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/106919
Paul Régnard, 1876-1877, Attaque : Periode Terminale, [Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, Planche XVIII], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101648
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Stalls in the Thieves market where baskets, toys, pinatas and a hundred other objects are sold. [Mexico], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/106214
Unidentified photographer, 1876, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Melville Brigade 1876, Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99246
Soennecken & Co. (Munich), n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Soennecken & Co.", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103065
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a man, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101025
n.d., Film and/or negative processing envelope, Ephemera, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100908
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Batterie russe à gauche de Malakoff., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100042
Lock & Whitfield, n.d., Portrait of an unidentified man, Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107681
James Wallace Black, n.d., Backmark for "J.W. Black & Co., 333 Washington St., Boston" - "Photographic Artist", Carte de visite, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98263
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Guy Fawkes Lantern, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/104180
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), Front cover for the album "Im Putt", [Im Putt], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99752
Underwood & Underwood, 1914-1918 (ca), Jewish Soldiers Home From Germany For New Year, Photograph, with caption, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98993
The J.W. Robinson Co., n.d., A Camera Trip Through Los Angeles, Front cover, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100915
Foto Kino (Gravensgade), n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Foto Kino", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103070
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a woman with an open box for storing stereoviews on the table beside her, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101026
Tancrède Dumas, n.d., The Grand Mosque. Damascus., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99809
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Eskimo Blanket Toss - Winter Carnival - Fairbanks, Alaska, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101117
American Colony, n.d., The Wilderness of Judea, Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98977
Unidentified photographer, 1904, Ferris Wheel. St. Louis World's Fair., Cyanotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98504
Unidentified photographer, 1904, Airship Montana Meteor. Test Drive By Thomas C. Benbow. St. Louis World's Fair., Cyanotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98503
Sparhawk's Studio (Randolph, Vermont), n.d., Backmark for "Sparhawk's Studio, 21 Pleasant Street, Randolph, Vermont", Carte de visite, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101002
Amager Foto, n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Amager Foto", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103063
G.K. Proctor, n.d., A man with an umbrella, Tintype, little gem, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100610
Unidentified photographer, n.d., [Two men, one with a telescope, Isle of Wight, Great Britain], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/104252
L.G. Francis, n.d., Tightrope Walker, Stamford, NY, Carte de visite, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/104194
F.E. Taggard (Lynn, Mass.), n.d., H.J. Goudey - Evangelist - Lynn, Mass., Cabinet card, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99244
Karel Jan Hora, 1955 (ca), Still Life, Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100423
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102333
Unidentified photographer, 1939-1945 (ca), Working in a WWII US Army photographic lab, Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101520
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102340
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102330
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Type of oxygen breathing mine rescue apparatus worn by rescuers following mine explosions., Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99778
Unidentified photographer, 1875, City Hall, State House, Congress Hall - Photographed from a Plaster Model, executed by John B. Dryer, for Wm. H. French, No. 1735 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102106
W. S Robbins & Co. (Plymouth, Mass), n.d., Model of the Mayflower, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99007
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Articles of tin find ready sale. [Mexico], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/106216
Charlet & Jacotin, n.d., Backmark for "Charlet & Jacotin, 37 Boul'de Strasbourg, Paris", Carte de visite, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99856
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), Logo for "Photographic Art Supplies, W.S. Bell & Co., 431 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA.", Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102329
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Drinking from a puddle, Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100168
Central Press Photo Ltd, 1938, 21 December, Winter Sports in London. Office boys enjoying a snow-battle in front of the frozen fountain at Nelson's Column, to-day. One of Landseer'sfamous lions can be seen in background., Gelatin silver print, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103004
Eastman Kodak Co., n.d., There's no dark room with a Kodak Tank, Advert, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100957
Contessa Camera, n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Contessa Camera", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103067
Unidentified photographer, n.d., [A hand with a gun reaches through the curtains], Gelatin silver print, film still, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/105920
Unidentified photographer, Unidentified artist, n.d., An artwork showing a building, Tintype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98536
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Advert for "A. R. Bills, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Spofford Block, Up Stairs, Rockford, Maine", Carte de visite, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99249
Eastman Kodak Co., n.d., Kodak Developing Machines, Advert, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100955
Andrew Price, n.d., The Hunter's Dream., Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100121
Gambier Bolton, n.d., [A Lion], Lantern slide, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100746
Clarence Sinclair Bull, 1943 (film release), Red Skelton Dunking A Doughnut for his new movie, "Whistling In Brooklyn.", Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100807
Unidentified Photographer, n.d., [Japanese woman checking her hair], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103251
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1950 (ca), "Please Credit Henri Cartier-Bresson (Magnum) Magnum Photos Inc.", Wet stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99095
Hutchinson's Gallery (Grand Rapids, Mich.), n.d., Photocollage showing Hutchinson's Gallery, Grand Rapids, Mich., Carte de visite, photocollage, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/111138
Keystone View Company, 1900, Dr. Sheldon Jackson and Government Reindeer, Haines, Alaska., Stereoview, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107273
n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Gevaert Rollfilm", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103041
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a man seated beside a table that has a box for storing stereoviews on it, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101029
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a young woman with an open photograph album on the table beside her, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101030
Paul Régnard, 1876-1877, Hystero-Epilepsie : Hallucinations, [Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, Planche XXXI], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101650
Paul Régnard, 1876-1877, Title page for Bourneville & P. Regnard, 1876-1877, Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, (Paris), [Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière], Title page, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101647
n.d., Cinderella stamp for "Svenska Fotografernas Forbund" - "lite gladare", Cinderella stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103040
Maurice, n.d., Hung Game, Salt print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103326
Eastman Kodak Co., n.d., Bring your Vacation Home in a Kodak - If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak, Advertisement, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100907
Washburn (Louisville, KY & New Orleans), n.d., Backmark for "Washburn's Photograph and Fine Art Gallery, 113 4th St., Louisville, KY., and 113 Canal St., N.O.", Carte de visite, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100755
Insley & Martyr (Jersey City), n.d., Portrait of a woman, Tintype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100037
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99762
W.S. Bell & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA.), 1899 (or later), The Johnstown Flood, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102335
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Collaged portrait of a woman with a flag behind her, Collage, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101596
L.A. Sawyer (Philadelphia), n.d., Demonstration of anatomy by Dr. Morris of Philadelphia, Demonstrator of Anatomy, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100960
Unidentified photographer, n.d., American Expeditionary Forces Siberis, Real photo postcard, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100051
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A Tropical Road, Grantstown, Nassau [Bahamas], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102967
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99759
Unidentified photographer, 1922 (or later), Exploitation of Tout-Ankh-Amon's Tomb, Postcard, collotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98911
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99756
Unidentified photographer, 1875, A.B. Stebbins and his eclipse camera 1875, Photograph, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103110
Auty & Heaven (Blenheim House, Baxter Place, Edinburgh), 1901, Backmark for "Auty & Heaven Blenheim House, Baxter Place, Edinburgh", Cabinet card, back, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/107533
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Basilica of St. Ursula, Cologne, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102210
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Ruines à Inkermann et chateaux de Belbec., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100041
Central Press Photo Ltd, 1938, 21 December, Winter Sports in London. Office boys enjoying a snow-battle in front of the frozen fountain at Nelson's Column, to-day. One of Landseer'sfamous lions can be seen in background., Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/103003
Charlet & Jacotin, n.d., Rose Cheri. French Actress., Carte de visite, with blind stamp, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99855
James Wallace Black, n.d., Old Abe, Carte de visite, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98262
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A policeman with a handcuffed clown [Theatrical?], Photograph, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/102175
Unidentified photographer, 1904, Totem Poles. St. Louis World's Fair., Cyanotype, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98507
Unidentified photographer, n.d., La Crimée. Quartier- général d'Omer-Pacha, à Baidar., Stereoview, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/100050
Unidentified photographer, 1953 (date album gifted), [Coal mine], Gelatin silver print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/99761
Sparhawk's Studio (Randolph, Vermont), n.d., A woman holding a fan on top of her head, Carte de visite, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101001
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a older woman seated next to a table, Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/101032
P.S. Johnson, n.d., Penguin, Lantern slide, Finlaycolor, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98276

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