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Nicolaas Henneman
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Nicolaas Henneman
Henry Fox Talbot, 1842, Portrait of Talbot's assistant Nicolaas Henneman, Calotype negative, Rijksmuseum, LL/25761
Nicolaas Henneman
Genealogy of Nicolaas Henneman
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Henry Fox Talbot, n.d., Nicolaas Henneman seated with a fascicle of, The Pencil of Nature, Calotype negative, National Science and Media Museum, LL/85121
Henry Fox Talbot, 1839 (ca), Nicolaas Henneman, Photogenic drawing, George Eastman Museum, LL/69998
Henry Fox Talbot, 1840, October (ca.) - 1844, Nicolaas Henneman, Paper negative, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/63112
Henry Fox Talbot, 1841, 7 April, Nicolaas Henneman playing chess with John Frederick Goddard, at Lacock Abbey, Salt print, from a calotype negative, British Library, LL/81870
Henry Fox Talbot, 1842, Portrait of Talbot's assistant Nicolaas Henneman, Calotype negative, Rijksmuseum, LL/25761
Henry Fox Talbot, 1842, 8 April, "From the life" - Goddard Instructs Henneman and Porter, Salted paper print, from a calotype negative, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, LL/76695
Henry Fox Talbot, 1844 (taken, negative) 1983 (print), Nicolaas Henneman sleeping, Salt print, from waxed paper negative, Private collection of Steffen Wolff, LL/47039
Henry Fox Talbot, 1845 (ca), Nicolaas Henneman Showing an Album to Charles Porter, Salted paper print, from paper negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79819
Henry Fox Talbot, 1845 (taken) 2002 (print), Nicolaas Henneman Asleep, Lacock or Reading, England, Salt print, modern, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/45327
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