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Backgrounds and foregrounds





1Introduction to backgrounds and foregrounds
2Manufacturers and painters of studio backgrounds
Daguerreotypists and painted studio backgrounds
3Studio painted backgrounds for daguerreotypes
4Antoine Claudet: Backgrounds for daguerreotypes
5Salt prints: Backgrounds
6Ambrotypes: Backgrounds
7Cartes de visite: Backgrounds and foregrounds
8Cabinet cards: Backgrounds and foregrounds
9Tintypes: Backgrounds and foregrounds
10Real Photo Postcards: Backgrounds and foregrounds
Contemporary accounts
12Studio backgrounds
13How Nineteenth Century Studios used backgrounds
Examples of studio backgrounds
14Backgrounds used in nineteenth century photographic studios
Use of painted external walls as backgrounds
15William Notman: Use of the painted exterior wall of his Montreal Studio as a background
Designs for backgrounds
16Backgrounds - how to paint and arrange them (1859)
17David Knights-Whittome: Photographic backgrounds
18Surviving photographic backgrounds
Background holders and supports
19Background holders and supports
Revolving backgrounds
20Revolving backgrounds
Suppliers of backgrounds
21Advertising for manufacturers and suppliers of backgrounds
Paintings showing backgrounds in photographic studios
22Paintings showing backgrounds in use
Foreground and background themes
23Backgrounds: Transportation
24Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Carts
25Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Cars
26Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Railways
27Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Balloons
28Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Aircraft
29Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Space Age and missiles
30Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Boats
31Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Bars and saloons
32Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Prisons and prisoners
33Backgrounds: Landscapes
34Water as an element in studio backgrounds and foregrounds
35Patriotic and military backgrounds for portraits during the American Civil War (1861-1865)
36Martinique: Studio portraits
37Introduction to foregrounds
38Foregrounds: Windows
39Mummies and Sphinxes as foreground props
Incongruous backgrounds
40Backgrounds: Incongruous
41The all to visible background
Street photographers
42Backgrounds: Street photographers
Case studies
43Jean-Philippe Charbonnier: The Biter Bit
44Ann Parker: Itinerant photographers of Guatemala (1970s)
45Philip K. Apagya: Aspirational backgrounds in studio portraiture
46Clarisse d'Arcimoles: Forget Nostalgia - A Little Theatre of Self (2012)
47Martin Parr: Autoportrait
Patents for backgrounds
48Patents for photographic backgrounds and foregrounds
49C.M. Coolidge: US patent No. 149,724, Processes of Taking Photographic Pictures (1874)
50Conclusions to backgrounds and foregrounds
Backgrounds and foregrounds
The business of photography
   Studio necessities
      Backgrounds and foregrounds

See also
Fabricated realities

Related topics
Backgrounds and foregrounds
Studio lighting
Subscribers have access to the fifty informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1Introduction to backgrounds and foregrounds
2Manufacturers and painters of studio backgrounds
Daguerreotypists and painted studio backgrounds
3Studio painted backgrounds for daguerreotypes
4Antoine Claudet: Backgrounds for daguerreotypes
5Salt prints: Backgrounds
6Ambrotypes: Backgrounds
7Cartes de visite: Backgrounds and foregrounds
8Cabinet cards: Backgrounds and foregrounds
9Tintypes: Backgrounds and foregrounds
10Real Photo Postcards: Backgrounds and foregrounds
Contemporary accounts
12Studio backgrounds
13How Nineteenth Century Studios used backgrounds
Examples of studio backgrounds
14Backgrounds used in nineteenth century photographic studios
Use of painted external walls as backgrounds
15William Notman: Use of the painted exterior wall of his Montreal Studio as a background
Designs for backgrounds
16Backgrounds - how to paint and arrange them (1859)
17David Knights-Whittome: Photographic backgrounds
18Surviving photographic backgrounds
Background holders and supports
19Background holders and supports
Revolving backgrounds
20Revolving backgrounds
Suppliers of backgrounds
21Advertising for manufacturers and suppliers of backgrounds
Paintings showing backgrounds in photographic studios
22Paintings showing backgrounds in use
Foreground and background themes
23Backgrounds: Transportation
24Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Carts
25Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Cars
26Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Railways
27Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Balloons
28Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Aircraft
29Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Space Age and missiles
30Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Boats
31Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Bars and saloons
32Studio backgrounds and foregrounds: Prisons and prisoners
33Backgrounds: Landscapes
34Water as an element in studio backgrounds and foregrounds
35Patriotic and military backgrounds for portraits during the American Civil War (1861-1865)
36Martinique: Studio portraits
37Introduction to foregrounds
38Foregrounds: Windows
39Mummies and Sphinxes as foreground props
Incongruous backgrounds
40Backgrounds: Incongruous
41The all to visible background
Street photographers
42Backgrounds: Street photographers
Case studies
43Jean-Philippe Charbonnier: The Biter Bit
44Ann Parker: Itinerant photographers of Guatemala (1970s)
45Philip K. Apagya: Aspirational backgrounds in studio portraiture
46Clarisse d'Arcimoles: Forget Nostalgia - A Little Theatre of Self (2012)
47Martin Parr: Autoportrait
Patents for backgrounds
48Patents for photographic backgrounds and foregrounds
49C.M. Coolidge: US patent No. 149,724, Processes of Taking Photographic Pictures (1874)
50Conclusions to backgrounds and foregrounds

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