1921 | Asia - Japan
| Fukuhara Shinzo, Kakefuda Isao and Otaguro Motoo put on the Art Photography Exhibition at the Shimeido Gallery and attack traditional art photography. |
1921 | North America - USA
 Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1907, Alfred Stieglitz, Platinum print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/45161 | Alfred Stieglitz - An Exhibition of Photography by Alfred Steiglitz - 145 prints, over 128 of which have never been publicly shown, dating from 1886-1921 opens at the Anderson Galleries (Park Avenue and Fifty-ninth street, New York). It is an early retrospective of his work. |
1922 | North America - USA
| Hollywood's first Technicolor film Toll of the Sea is released. |
1922 | Africa - Egypt
 Harry Burton, 1922, Howard Carter (kneeling), an Egyptian workman, and Arthur Callender at doors of burial shrines in Pharao Tutankhamen's tomb., Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/112341 | The tomb of King Tutankhamen is discovered by Howard Carter. |
1922 | Europe - France
| Man Ray publishes Les Champs délicieux with an introduction by his friend Tristan Tzara. The book includes his Rayograms. |
1923 | North America - Mexico
| Mexican revolutionary "Pancho" Villa (1878-1923) is assassinated |
1923 | Europe - Germany
| László Moholy-Nagy starts teaching a photography course at the Bauhaus which is a innovative center for graphic and product design. |
1924 | Europe - France
 Unidentified photographer, 1923, Portrait of André Breton at the carnival, Gelatin silver print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/88263 | André Breton (1896-1966) publishes the first Surrealist manifesto |
1924 | North America - USA
| AT&T sends photographs over a wire. |
1924 | Europe - Germany
| The expression Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) is used to describe neo-realist painters by Gustav Hartlaub (Director of the Mannhreim Kunsthalle). The term becomes applied to a group of photographers including Albert Renger-Patzsch (1897-1966), August Sander (1876-1964) Helmar Lerski (1871-1956) and Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1952). Each of them publishes seminal photographic books in the 1920s and Germany becomes one of the leading countries for the integration of photographs into graphic design. |
1925 | North America - USA
| The Scopes Monkey Trial takes place in Tennessee. |
1925 | North America - USA
| F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby. |
1925 | Europe - Germany
 László Moholy-Nagy, 1925, Book cover for Laszlo Moholy-Nagy "Malerei Photografie Film --Painting Photography Film. Bauhausbücher 8" (Munich: Albert Langen, 1925), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28342 | László Moholy-Nagy publishes Malerei Fotografie Film - Bauhausbücher 8 (Munich: Albert Langen, 1925). This book embraces all the new ways in which photographs can be used and combined with typography for advertising and commercial applications. |
1925 | Europe - Germany
| Leica uses the 35mm still format that became the most widely used film standard |
1925 | Europe - Great Britain
| John Logie Baird transmits the first wireless photographic picture. |
1925 | North America - USA
 Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Anatol Josepho, Digital file from original negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/26016 | Anatol Josepho a Siberian immigrant to America invents the Photobooth. |
1926 | Europe - France
| An uncredited photograph by Eugène Atget is published in the Surrealist magazine La Révolution surréaliste (no. 7). |
1926 | Europe - France
| A surrealist exhibition organized by Man Ray opens at the Galerie Surréaliste, 16 rue Jacques Callot, Paris. |
1927 | North America - USA
| The first talking picture The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson is released. |
1927 | Europe
 Germaine Krull, 1928, Book cover for Germaine Krull "Métal. Introduction by Florent Fels" (Paris: Librairie des Arts Décoratifs, 1928), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28344 | Germaine Krull publishes Métal with an introduction by Florent Fels" (Paris: Librairie des Arts Décoratifs, 1928) |
1927 | Europe
| First trans-Atlantic telephone call |
1927 | Europe - UK
| Violet K. Blaiklock (?-1961) and Agnes Beatrice Warburg, UK, (1872-1953) co-found the Colour Group of The Royal Photographic Society (UK). Prior to this they had experimented with many different forms of color photography, inventing the Warburytype. |
1927 | North America - Canada
| The first exhibition of Pictorial photography is held in Vancouver (B.C.). |
1928 | North America - USA
| Mickey Mouse is shown for the first time by Walt Disney |
1928 | Europe - Great Britain
| The Equal Franchise Act in Great Britain grants voting rights to women and men over twenty-one. |
1928 | Europe - Spain
| Luis Buñuel (1900-1983) and Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) makes Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog), |
1928 | Europe - Germany
 Karl Blossfeldt, 1929 (2nd edition), Cornus florida. Box-wood of N. America, Flowering Dogwood. Shoots enlarged 3 times., [Urformen der Kunst / Art Forms in Nature, Pl. 18], Gravure, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/14454 | Karl Blossfeldt publishes Urformen der Kunst. |
1928 | Europe - Germany
 Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1928, Book cover for "Die Welt ist Schön -- the World is Beautiful" (Munich: Kurt Wolff, 1928), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28345 | Albert Renger-Patzsch publishes Die Welt ist Schön (Munich: Kurt Wolff, 1928) |
1928 | North America - USA
 Tom Howard, 1928, Execution of Ruth Synder, Silver contact print, warm-toned, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/33436 | The execution of Ruth Synder by electrocution at Sing Sing Prison is secretly photographed by Tom Howard and is published in an extra edition of the Daily News: New York‘s Picture Newspaper. |
1929 | North America - USA
| The Great Depression in the US |
1929 | North America - USA
| Museum of Modern Art opens in New York. |
1929 | Europe - Germany
 August Sander, 1929, Book cover for August Sander "Antlitz der Zeit -- Face of our Time. Introduction by Alfred Döblin. " (Munich: Transmare and Kurt Wolff, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28352 | August Sander publishes Antlitz der Zeit with an introduction by Alfred Döblin (Munich: Transmare and Kurt Wolff, 1929). |
1929 | North America - USA
 Edward Steichen, 1929, Book cover for Edward Steichen "Steichen. the Photographer. Text by Carl Sandburg" (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28353 | Edward Steichen publishes Steichen The Photographer with text by Carl Sandburg (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1929). |
1929 | North America - USA
| Stock Market Crash (USA) |
1929 | North America - USA
| The St. Valentine's Day Massacre takes place in Chicago and the bloody remains are photographed by numerous news photographers. |
1929 | Europe - France
 Man Ray, 1929, Seated Nude, Gelatin silver print, solarized, Edwynn Houk Gallery, LL/5079 | Man Ray and Lee Miller rediscover the Sabattier effect and call it solarization. They start to use it for artistic photographs. |
1929 | Europe - France
 Eli Lotar, 1929 (ca), Untitled (Head of Slaughtered Calf), Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71977 | Photographs of the slaughterhouses at La Villette in Paris by Eli Lotar are published in the Surrealist publication Documents, (issue 6). |
1930 | North America - USA
 Ansel Adams, n.d., New Church, [Taos Peublo, pl. V], Photograph, Ansel Adams Gallery, LL/95184 | Ansel Adams publishes Taos Pueblo. |
1930 | Europe - France
 Eugène Atget, 1930, Book cover for "Atget: Photographe de Paris" (New York: E. Weyhe, 1930), Book cover, Private collection, LL/19484 | Eugène Atget publishes Atget Photographe de Paris (New York: E. Weyhe, 1930). |
1930 | Europe - France
 Claude Cahun, 1930, Book cover for Claude Cahun "Aveux Non Avenus" (Paris: Editions du Carrefour, 1930), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28355 | Claude Cahun publishes Aveux non Avenus (Paris: Éditions du Carrefour, 1930). |
1930 | Europe - Czechoslovakia
 Frantisek Drtikol, 1930, Zena Ve Svetle [Women in Light], Swann Galleries - New York, LL/19220 | Frantisek Drtikol publishes Zena ve Svetle [Women in Light] (Prague: E. Beaufort, 1930). |
1930 | Europe - Russia
 Alexander Rodchenko, 1935, Inside layout for "SSSR na Strojke" (USSR in Construction) Issue #12, 1935 [Parachute Issue], Magazine layout, Howard Schickler Fine Art (CLOSED - 2006), LL/6539 | In Russia the photomagazine USSR in Construction ('SSSR na stroike') is published. The use of photomontage and collage by photographers such as Alexander Rodchenko influences graphic design. |
1930 | Europe - France
| Film stills for Luis Bunuel's surrealist film L'Âge d'or published in Le Surrealisme au service de la revolution (issue 1). |
1931 | Europe - Great Britain
 Bill Jay, n.d., Bill Brandt, [Photographers], Gelatin silver print, Provided by the artist - Bill Jay, LL/10121 | Bill Brandt moves to London. |
1931 | Europe - Spain
| Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) paints The Persistence of Memory |
1931 | Europe - France
 Max Ernst, 1931, Book cover for Max Ernst, 1931, Mr. Knife Miss Fork, Text by René Crevel, (Paris: the Black Sun Press), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28358 | Max Ernst and René Crevel publish Mr. Knife Miss Fork text by René Crevel" (Paris: The Black Sun Press, 1931). |
1931 | Europe - Germany
 Helmar Lerski, 1931, Book cover for Helmar Lerski, 1931, Köpfe des Alltags. Unbekannte Menschen -- Everyday Heads. Unknown People, (Berlin: Hermann Reckendorf), Book cover, Christie's - London, LL/52863 | Helmar Lerski publishes Köpfe des Alltags. |
1931 | Europe - France
 , 1931, Book cover for Moi Ver "Paris. Introduction by Fernand Léger" (Paris: Jeanne Walter, 1931), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28360 | Moi Ver publishes Paris with an introduction by Fernand Léger (Paris: Jeanne Walter, 1931). |
1931 | Europe - Germany
 Erich Salomon, 1931, Book cover for Dr. Erich Salomon "Berühmte Zeitgenossen" (Stuttgart: Engelhorns Nachf., 1931), Book cover, Private collection, LL/48343 | Erich Salomon publishes Berühmte Zeitgenossen. |
1932 | North America - USA
 2014, Book cover for Mary Street Alinder, 2014, Group f.64: Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, and the Community of Artists Who Revolutionized American Photography, (Bloomsbury), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66775 | Group f64 is formed by eleven West Coast photographers. |
1932 | North America - USA
| Amelia Earhart (1897-1937) flies solo across the Atlantic. |
1932 | North America - USA
 Lewis W. Hine, 1932, Book cover for Lewis Hine "Men at Work" (New York: the Macmillan Company, 1932), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28362 | Lewis Hine publishes Men at Work (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932) |
1933 | Europe - France
 Brassaï, 1932, Book cover for Brassaï "Paul Morand: Paris de Nuit" (Editions " Arts et métiers graphiques, coll. "Réalités", 1933), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15948 | Brassaï publishes Paris de Nuit. |
1933 | North America - USA
 Doris Ulmann, 1933, Book cover for Doris Ulmann "Roll, Jordan, Roll. Text by Julia Peterkin" (New York: Robert O. Ballou, 1933), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28367 | Doris Ullman and Julia Peterkin publishes Roll, Jordan, Roll. (New York: Robert O. Ballou, 1933) |
1933 | Europe - Germany
| Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany |
1933 | Europe - Germany
 Unidentified photographer, 1926 (ca), Bauhaus Dessau Masters on the roof: left to right, Josef Albers, Hinnerk Scheper, Georg Muche, Lßszlo Moholy-Nagy, Herbert Bayer, Joost Schmidt, Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger, Gunta Stölzl, Oskar Schlemmer, Gelatin silver print, Harvard Art Museum / Busch-Reisinger Museum, LL/39186 | Staff at the Bauhaus dissolve the organization due to political pressure.
The remarkable talent pool of teachers leave Germany before the Second World War - Josef Albers (1933/USA), Vassily Kandinsky (1933/France), Paul Klee (1933/Switzerland), Walter Gropius (1934/Great Britain, 1937/USA), László Moholy-Nagy (1934/Netherlands, 1935/Great Britain, 1937/USA), Marcel Breuer (1935/Great Britain, 1937/USA), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1937/USA), Herbert Bayer (1938/USA), Walter Peterhans (1938/USA). László Moholy-Nagy goes on to found the New Bauhaus in Chicago (USA) in 1937. |
1934 | Europe - France
 Man Ray, 1934, Book cover for Man Ray, 1934, Man Ray Photographs 1920-1934, (Paris), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15966 | Man Ray publishes Man Ray Photographies 1920-1934. |
1934 | Europe - Germany
 Leni Riefenstahl, 1935, Poster for the film "Triumph des Willens", Poster, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/48127 | Nuremberg Nazi Party rally headed by Adolf Hitler. Leni Riefenstahl films the rally and makes it into the propaganda film Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens) which comes out in 1935. |
1934 | Europe - Portugal
 1934, Book cover for "Portugal 1934" (Lisbon, Edited by S.P.N. - Secretariado Nacional de Propaganda, 1934), Book cover, P4 Photography (formerly Potássio Quatro), LL/25533 | "Portugal 1934" is published as the official propaganda book for the Estado Novo, the right-wing regime inaugurated by Salazar in 1933. It uses photomontage as a propaganda tool. |
1934 | Europe - France
| Exploring the primitive and the unconsciuous mind as expressed through graffiti Bill Brandt publishes a selection of photographs in the article "Du mur des cavernes au mur d'usine" in the Surrealist magazine Minotaure (no. 3-4). |
1934 | Europe - Germany
 Hans Bellmer, 1934 (ca), La Poupée, Gelatin silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/48802 | Hans Bellmer includes ten of his unsettling black and white photographs of his first doll in Die Puppe (Karlsruhe, Privately published and anonymous) |
1935 | North America - USA
 Unidentified photographer, 1935, 14 April, Dust Storm in Rolla, Kansas; - 05/06/35; Dear Mr. Roosevelt, Darkness came when it hit us. Picture taken from water tower one hundred feet high. Yours Truly, Chas. P. Williams. - Photo: Massive Dark cloud approaching village in forefront., Gelatin silver print, National Archives and Records Administration, LL/1653 | Works Progress Administration (WPA) is launched to address some of the social upheavals of the Great Depression and the destruction of the central states by the dust storms. |
1935 | Europe - Russia
 El Lissitzky, 1935, Book cover for El Lissitzky "Industriia Sotsializma -- Socialist Industry. Edited by B.M. Tal." (Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1935), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28371 | El Lissitzky publishes Industriia Sotsializma Edited by B.M. Tal. (Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1935) |
1935 | Europe - France
 Man Ray, 1935, Book cover for Man Ray Facile -- Easy. Text by Paul Eluard, (Paris: GLM, 1935), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28372 | Man Ray and Paul Éluard publish Facile. (Paris: GLM, 1935) |
1935 | Africa
| Second Italo-Abyssinian War |
1935 | North America - USA
| Exhibition at the Julian Levy Gallery in New York of works by Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Walker Evans. |
1935 | North America - USA
| Kodachrome becomes the first color film widely available to amateurs. It is the invention of Leopold Godowsky and Leopold Mannes. |
1935 | Europe - France
| The mystery of the night is explored by Bill Brandt in his piece "Nuits parisiennes" in the Surrealist magazine Minotaure (no. 7). |
1936 | Europe - Great Britain
 Bill Brandt, 1936, The English at Home, Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15947 | Bill Brandt publishes The English at Home. |
1936 | Europe - France
 Hans Bellmer, 1935-1949, Untitled, [La Poupée], Gelatin silver print, hand-coloured, Marvelli Gallery, LL/6078 | Hans Bellmer publishes La Poupée (Paris: G.L.M, 1936). |
1936 | Europe - France
 Georges Hugnet, 1936, Book cover for Georges Hugnet "La Septième Face du Dé" (Paris: Jeanne Bucher, 1936), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28376 | Georges Hugnet publishes La Septième Face du Dé (Paris: Jeanne Bucher, 1936). |
1936 | Europe - Germany
 Leni Riefenstahl, 1936, Erwin Huber war bester Europõer im Olympischen Zehnkampf [Erwin Huber was the leading European in the Olympic Decathlon.], Gelatin silver print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/6577 | The Berlin Olympic Games is held and used as an immense propaganda opportunity by the Nazi party. Leni Riefenstahl photographs the athletes and her book, Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf, is published in 1937. |
1936 | Europe - Spain
| Spanish Civil War |
1936 | Europe - Russia
| Purges ordered by Stalin in Russia |
1936 | North America - USA
| Kodachrome color film |
1936 | North America - USA
 Margaret Bourke-White, 1936, 23 November, Life Magazine - Vol. 1 No. 1, Magazine cover, Source requested, LL/4168 | First issue of the influential photo magazine LIFE comes out in the USA. Its use of the extended photo essay has an influence on generations of photojournalists. |
1936 | North America - USA
 Arthur Rothstein, 1936, 'Fleeing a dust storm'. Farmer Arthur Coble and sons walking in the face of a dust storm, Cimmaron County, Oklahoma, Gelatin silver print, mounted to board, Silverstein Photography, LL/349 | Arthur Rothstein takes a photograph for the Rural Resettlement Administration (later the FSA) of Fleeing a dust storm. Farmer Arthur Coble and sons walking in the face of a dust storm, Cimmaron County, Oklahoma. It becomes one of the classic photographs of the Dust Bowl.
"The most interesting and dramatic thing to me was to show not the abandoned farms but the relation of the people to their environment: what effect it had on them, their reaction to it. The picture of the man and his two sons seemed to sum it all up." |
1936 | Europe - Spain
 Robert Capa, 1936, Death of a Republican Soldier, Spain, near Cerro Muriano, about September 5, 1936, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/440 | Robert Capa takes his most famous photograph Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death, Cerro Muriano during the Spanish Civil War. It becomes one of the seminal war images. |
1936 | Europe - Germany
| Agfacolor color film is introduced. |
1937 | Europe - Spain
 Dora Maar, 1937, May-June, Reportage sur l'évolution de «Guernica» (Photo Report of the Evolution of "Guernica"), Gelatin silver print, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, LL/60029 | Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) paints Guernica that commemorates the German bombing of the Basque town during the Spanish Civil War. |
1937 | North America - USA
 Margaret Bourke-White, 1937, Book cover for Erskine Caldwell & Margaret Bourke-White, 1937, You Have Seen Their Faces., (New York: The Viking Press), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/53481 | Margaret Bourke-White and Erskine Caldwell publish You Have Seen Their Faces. |
1937 | North America - USA
| The New Bauhaus is founded in Chicago by László Moholy-Nagy and in the 1950s it is merged into the Illinois Institute of Technology. The institution follows the spirit and curriculum of the Bauhaus in Germany that was closed down in 1933 due to political pressure as the Nazis gained dominance. It has an important place in photography with Gyorgy Kepes, Nathan Lerner, Arthur Siegal, Aaron Siskind and Harry Callaghan teaching there. |
1937 | North America - USA
| First issue of Popular Photography published |
1937 | North America - USA
| The retrospective exhibition Photography 1839-1937 opens in the spring at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and is the first comprehensive exhibition on the history of photography. The exhibition is organized by Beaumont Newhall and the catalogue Photography, 1839-1937 evolves into one of the standard histories of photography and greatly influences who has been included in the accepted history. |
1937 | North America - USA
| Edward Weston receives the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship - the first awarded to a photographer. |
1937 | North America - USA
 Dorothea Lange, 1936, Human Erosion in California (Migrant Mother) [Nipomo, California], Gelatin silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/6028 | As the USA is in the Great Depression of the 1930s the Farm Security Administration (FSA) is established by the Department of Agriculture. It employs many socially committed photographers to record the lives of everyday people. The archive they produce becomes one of the historical treasures of the USA. |
1937 | Europe - Great Britain
| In the UK the Mass Observation project is founded to record the everyday lives of common people in minute detail. It does not produce the volume of photographs of the FSA in the USA but Humphrey Spender takes 900 photographs for his Worktown project. |
1937 | North America - USA
 Charles Hoff, 1937, Hindenburg, Lakehurst, Gelatin silver print, Galerie Johannes Faber, LL/1735 | The airship Hindenburg explodes at Lake Hurst, New Jersey with the loss of 36 lives. Black and white shots are by taken most of the press photographers present including a sequence of three in rapid succession by Murray Becker (Associated Press). 35mm color Kodachrome photographs are taken by Gerry Sheedy (New York Sunday Mirror). |
1937 | Asia - China
| The Rape of Nanjing is carried out with hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and troops massacred by the Japanese forces. In December 1937 Japanese bombers sink the gunboat U.S.S. Panay near Nanking as they bomb the city. |
1938 | North America - USA
| The full length cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is shown. |
1938 | Europe - Spain
| George Orwell publishes Homage to Catalonia |
1938 | North America - USA
 Walker Evans, 1938, American Photographs, Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15949 | Walker Evans publishes American Photographs. |
1938 | Europe
| Germany annexes Austria |
1938 | Europe - Great Britain
 Tom Hopkinson, 1970, Book cover for Tom Hopkinson (ed.), 1970, Picture Post 1938-50, (Harmondsworth: Penguin), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/52482 | Stephan Lorant founds the photographically illustrated Picture Post in the UK. The first issue comes out on 1 October 1938 |
1939 | Global
| Second World War |
1939 | North America - USA
| The film The Wizard of Oz is released. |
1939 | North America - USA
 Berenice Abbott, 1939, Changing New York, Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15945 | Berenice Abbott publishes Changing New York. |
1939 | North America - USA
 Dorothea Lange, 1939, Book cover for Dorothea Lange "An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion. Text by Paul Taylor" (New York: Reynald Hitchcock, 1939), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28386 | Dorothea Lange publishes An American Exodus with text by Paul Schuster Taylor (New York: Reynald Hitchcock, 1939). |
1939 | North America - USA
| John Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath |
1939 | North America - USA
| The film Gone with the Wind is released. |
1939 | North America - USA
| Retrospective of the documentary photography of Lewis Hine (1905 to 1938) at the Riverside Museum, N.Y. City (now the Nicholas Roerich Museum) organized by Elizabeth McCausland, Beaumont Newhall and Berenice Abbott with sponsors including Alfred Stieglitz, Paul Strand, Edward Steichen, Willard and Barbara Morgan. |