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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
U.S. Instantaneous Photographic Co. - New York, NY, US
U.S. Stereo View Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
U.S. Stereoscopic Co. - Boston, MA, US
U.S. Stereoscopic View Advertising Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
U.S. View & Portrait Company of Chicago - Chicago, IL, US
UFO Eight Station Viewer - Japan
Uchida, Kazuo - Japan
Udall SEE: Udell & Andrus - Cleveland, OH, US
Udall, H.D. - Cleveland, OH, US:Garretsville, OH, US:Warren, OH, US
Udall, Horace D. SEE: Udell & Andrus - Cleveland, OH, US
Udall, Horace D. SEE: Udall, H.D. - Cleveland, OH, US:Garretsville, OH, US:Warren, OH, US
Udell & Andrus - Cleveland, OH, US
Udell & Andrus SEE: Andrus - Cleveland, OH, US
Udell & Andrus SEE: Udall, H.D. - Cleveland, OH, US:Garretsville, OH, US:Warren, OH, US
Udell SEE: Udell & Andrus - Cleveland, OH, US
Udell SEE: Udall, H.D. - Cleveland, OH, US:Garretsville, OH, US:Warren, OH, US
Udell, Addison A. - Three Rivers, MI, US
Udell, H.D. SEE: Udall, H.D. - Cleveland, OH, US:Garretsville, OH, US:Warren, OH, US
Udell, Horace D. SEE: Udall, H.D. - Cleveland, OH, US:Garretsville, OH, US:Warren, OH, US
Ueno Hikoma - Nagasaki, Japan:Nakashima, Japan
Ufer, Oswald - Roma (Rome), Italy
Uglow, William - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Uhlman & Rippel - St. Joseph, MO, US
Uhlman & Rippel SEE: Uhlman, R. - St. Joseph, MO, US
Uhlman SEE: Uhlman & Rippel - St. Joseph, MO, US
Uhlman, R. SEE: Uhlman & Rippel - St. Joseph, MO, US
Uhlman, R. - St. Joseph, MO, US
Ulbrich & Kingsley - Buffalo, NY, US
Ulbrich SEE: Ulbrich & Kingsley - Buffalo, NY, US
Ulke, Henry - Washington, DC, US
Ulrichs, O. - Blankenburg, Germany
Underwood & Underwood - New York, NY, US:London, England, UK:Toronto, Ontario, Canada:Ottawa, KS, US
Underwood, A. - Addison, MI, US
Underwood, Bert Underwood SEE: Underwood & Underwood - New York, NY, US:London, England, UK:Toronto, Ontario, Canada:Ottawa, KS, US
Underwood, Elmer Underwood SEE: Underwood & Underwood - New York, NY, US:London, England, UK:Toronto, Ontario, Canada:Ottawa, KS, US
Underwood, G.A. - Worcester, MA, US
Underwood, George A. SEE: Underwood, G.A. - Worcester, MA, US
Unidentified photographer - UK
Unidentified photographer - Lisieux, France
Unidentified photographer - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Union Photograph Co. - Oxford, NY, US
Union Picture Gallery SEE: Mott, M.M. - Anamosa, IA, US
Union Stereoscopic Co. - New York, NY, US
Union Stereoscopic View Co. - New York, NY, US
Union View Co.
Union View Co. - Columbus, OH, US
Union View Co. - Lansing, MI, US
Union View Co. - Rochester, NY, US:Braddock, PA, US
Union View Co. SEE: Bowdish, R.F. - Columbus, OH, US
Union View and Copying Co. SEE: Union View Co. - Rochester, NY, US:Braddock, PA, US
United Photographic Co. - New York, NY, US
United Photographic Stores - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
United States Land & Improvement Co. - US
United States Photographic Association - North Bennington, VT, US
United States Rural Cemeteries - US
United States Stereograph Co. - North Bennington, VT, US
United States Stereoscopic Co. - Boston, MA, US
United States View & Advertising Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
United Stereoscopic Society - UK
United Tobacco Co. - South Africa
Universal Art Co. SEE: Universal Photo Art Co. - Naperville, IL, US:New York, NY, US:London, England, UK:Paris, France:Hamburg, Germany
Universal Photo Art Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Universal Photo Art Co. - Naperville, IL, US:New York, NY, US:London, England, UK:Paris, France:Hamburg, Germany
Universal Photo Art Co. SEE: Graves, C.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Universal Photographic View Co. - New York, NY, US
Universal Series - US
Universal Stereoscopic View Co. - London, England, UK
Universal Stereoscopic View Co. - Chicago, IL, US:Pomona, CA, US:Melbourne, CA, US
Universal Stereoscopic View Co. - New York, NY, US
Universal View Co - Philadelphia, PA, US
Universe Stereoscopic Co. - Chicago, IL, US:New York, NY, US
Universe Views SEE: Universe Stereoscopic Co. - Chicago, IL, US:New York, NY, US
Unterberger, Franz - Innsbruck, Austria
Unterveger, G.B. - Trento, Italy
Up-To-Date View Co. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Upham SEE: Hoard, Upham & Co. - Jamestown, NY, US
Upham, J.W. SEE: Hoard, Upham & Co. - Jamestown, NY, US
Upham, J.W. SEE: Hoard & Laidler - Jamestown, NY, US
Upham, J.W. - Jamestown, NY, US
Upson & Simson - Buffalo, NY, US
Upson & Simson SEE: Upson, J.T. - Buffalo, NY, US
Upson SEE: Upson & Simson - Buffalo, NY, US
Upson, J.T. SEE: Upson & Simson - Buffalo, NY, US
Upson, J.T. - Buffalo, NY, US
Upson, W.L. - Meriden, CT, US:East Granby, CT, US
Upton - Jacksonville, FL, US
Upton & Bolles - Jacksonville, FL, US
Upton, B.F. SEE: Upton & Bolles - Jacksonville, FL, US
Upton, B.F. SEE: Upton, Benjamin Franklin - Minneapolis, MN, US:St. Anthony, MN, US:Jacksonville, FL, US:St. Augustine, FL, US
Upton, Benjamin Franklin - Minneapolis, MN, US:St. Anthony, MN, US:Jacksonville, FL, US:St. Augustine, FL, US
Uren, John Batrel SEE: Uren, John - New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Uren, John - New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Urie SEE: Clary & Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Urie, G.M. SEE: Clary & Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Urie, G.M. SEE: Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Urie, J. - Belfast, Ireland
Ushant, R.P. - Alexandria, VA, US
Usher, J. - Augusta, GA, US
Usher, John Jr. SEE: Usher, J. - Augusta, GA, US
Usher, Jr., John SEE: Gable & Usher - Atlanta, GA, US
Ustick & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Uyeno, H. SEE: Ueno Hikoma - Nagasaki, Japan:Nakashima, Japan


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