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1Introduction to photography in Canada
2Hugh Lee Pattinson: Niagara Falls
Exploration and disaster
3Richard Beard: British Naval Northwest Passage Expedition (1845-1848)
4Richard Beard: Sir John Franklin
5Paul-Émile Miot: Newfoundland and Cape Breton
6Paul-Émile Miot: Mik'maq (Micmac)
7Acadians, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (1859)
8Humphrey Lloyd Hime: Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition (1857-1858)
9Northwest Boundary Survey (1857-1862) / British North American Boundary Commission
10Fredrick Dally (1838-1914): Western Canada (ca 1870)
11Charles Horetzky: Surveyor and photographer of British Columbia
12Joseph Burr Tyrrell: Expedition to the barren lands (1893)
Indigenous peoples
13Canada: Indigenous peoples
15William McFarlane Notman: Canada: First Nations
16Geraldine Moodie: Inuit
William Notman, his studios and associates
17William Notman: Portraits
18William Notman: Photography. Things You Ought to Know (1866)
19William Notman: Photomontages
20William James Topley: Canadian landscapes
21William Notman: The construction of Victoria Bridge, Montreal, Canada (1854-1859)
22William Notman: Use of the painted exterior wall of his Montreal Studio as a background
23William Notman: Our birds of prey: or, The eagles, hawks, and owls of Canada By Henry G. Vennor ... With 30 photographic illustrations by Wm. Notman (1876)
24Strohmeyer & Wyman: Canada
25Hannah Maynard: Self portraits
26The Canadian Pacific Railway
Life outdoors
27Alexander Henderson: Canadian landscapes
28Rosetti Photographic Studios: Canada: BC: Vancouver: Stanley Park (1912)
29William James Topley: Hunting and fishing in Canada
30Introduction to Pictorialism in Canada
31Canadian Pictorialism: Frederick George Ashton
Early colour photography
32Early colour photography in Western Canada
33John Vanderpant: Canadian Modernism
Visitors to Canada
34Paul Strand: Canada: Gaspé Peninsula
The scale of place
35Emily Carr on Canada
J.J. Abbott (1840-1914), Adams, Adams, Frank Adams (1861-1958), Adamson, H.F. Albright (1870-1901), T.A. Aldrich, W.H. Allen, American Art Gallery, Alexander Todd Anderson, R.W. Anderson, Noel Archimbault, G.C. Arless, William Armstrong, Armstrong & Beere, Armstrong, Beere & Hime, S.C. Arnold, C. Arthur, Barbara Astman (1950-), James Bain, Bajinet, B.F. Baltzly (1835-1883), Baltzy & Hammond, T. Barbour, Barke & Gray, George Barker (1844-1894), E.C. Barnes, J.D. Barnes, S. Barnett, Thos. Barnett, Barnett & Haynes, J. Baron, A. Barrett, J. Barron & Bros., Barron & Walker, S. Bedard, Daniel Beere, Bell & Son, F.M. Bell-Smith, I.M. Bickmore, H. Biddle, F.V. Bingham, Bingham & Thom, L.A. Blanc, H.T. Blanchard, W. Bogart, A. Boisseau, Pierre Boogaerts (1946-), Boorne & May, Robert Bourdeau (1931-), Eric Boutilier-Brown (1969-), John W. Boyce, Bradbeer & Vanalstine, W.J. Bradley, A. Brigham, British & Colonial Press Service, J.A. Brock, Brock & Co., Brockenshire, J. Bruce, & Co., W. Bruckhof & Co., O.B. Buell (1844-1910), H.W. Bunker, J.H. Burgess, W. Burgess, Edward Burtynsky (1955-), D.C. Butchart, W.C. Cain, D.L. Callisher & Co., Canada View Co., Canadian Educational Pictures, Canadian Pacific Railway, Canadian Scenery, Canadian Stereo Photo Co., Canadian Stereoscopic View Co., Canadian View Co., Mrs. R.E. Carr, Robert Carswell, Caswell, T. Charles, T.H.J. Charmbury, Wm. Charron, W. Chase, C.R. Chisholm, F. Clarke, G. & W. Clarke, W.J. Clarke, F.G. Claudet, Serge Clément (1950-), J.S. Climo (1835-1924), Co-operative View Co., C.G. Cobban, C.S. Cochrane, A.G. Cole, J.W. Cole, Coleman & Taggart Bros., W.H. Cone, J.R. Connon, Thomas Connon, Cook Bros., J. Cooper, W.A. Cooper, Chas. W. Courtney, John Cox, W.K. Crisp (1877-1950), Donigan Cumming (1947-), Henry Cundall, J. Curtis, Frederick Dally (1838-1914), W.H. Dame, Geo. Davidson, W.W. Davidson, S. Davis, Della Torre & Co, J.L. Demers, E.E. Denaut, J Dennison, C.M. des-Islets, Desjardins, L.E. Desmarais, O. Desmarais, Edouard Deville (1849-1924), Lutz Dille (1922-2008), Dingman Bros., C. Dion, Thomas Coffin Doane (1814-1896), P. Doebereiner, Dominion Photograph Co., Dominion Stereoscopic Co., J. Douglas, Stan Douglas (1960-), W. Drysdale & Co., Duffin & Caswell, Duffin & Co., J.N. Duquet, W.S. Durrer, T. Eaton & Co. Ltd., L. Eckerson, Eckerson & Lyon, Eckerson, McMillan & Lyon, Olive Edis (1876-1955), Edgar W. Edwards, William H. Edwards, Edwards Bros., Edy & Co., A.D. Ellis, Charles Ellis, G.A. Ellis, R. Ellison, Ellisson & Co., Ellisson & Co., Isaac Erb, Erb & Cameron, James Esson (1854-1933), W.C. Estabrooke, Evergon (1946-), Ewing & Co., Fabre & Gravel, George Robinson Fardon (1807-1886), G.T. Farmer, W. Farmer, S.B. Fell, Fenner & Co., J. Hampton Field, Fleming Brothers, Charles Flewelling, George Ford, J.H. Ford, Forrest & Lozo, James Fortier, Foss, W.A. Fowler, Fowler & Co., Fowler & Oliver, French Canadian Mission Fund, Charles Fritz, C. Gall, S.H. Gallop, Gamsby & Scott, Jashua Garnier Jr., Pierre Gaudard (1927-2010), Charles Gentile, Tom Gibson (1930-), Charles Gimpel (1912-1973), Thomas Gorst, W.J. Gould, F.X. Graber, J. Andrew Graham, J.B. Gregory, T.H. Griffin, J.H. Griffith, E.S. Hadcock, Benjamin Alfred Haldane (1874-1941), Halifax Photographic Co., I.N. Hall, Hall & Lowe, N.D. Hammett (1844-1919), F.E. Hare & Co., Byron Harmon, Harrison & Co., John Harvey (1861-1901), O.C. Hastings, Hay, Hearn & Co., Hearn Harrison & Co., Alexander Henderson (1831-1913), H. Henderson, Henderson & Co., W.E. Hendrie, Henry E. Herbert, Fred Herzog (1930-2019), T.Y. Hess, Humphrey Lloyd Hime (1833-1903), J. Hinch (1829-1875), John Henry Hinton, A. Hoffnung, D.H. Hogg & Co., J.E. Hoitt, Hollingworth, H. Hollister, Home Stereograph Publishers, Alfred Snider Hood (1845-1930), William Horeis (1945-), Charles Horetzky (1838-1900), H.W. Horling, Isaac Horning, Hubbard, O.C. Hubbs, D.S. Huber, Hugill , J.S. Hulett, Hunter & Co., G.F. Inglis, James Inglis (1835-1904), A.S. Irving & Co., H. Jackman, Geoffrey James (1942-), W.J. James, F. Jarret, Jarvis, Samuel J. Jarvis, Jarvis & Arless, E.L. Johnson, Clifford Johnston, F.B. Jones, J.L. Jones, Jones & McCorkindale, Jones & Morrison, Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002), A. Kay, Harold Kells (1904-1986), Gilbert Kempton (1847-1925), J.H. Kenner, M.P. Kilburn, W.F. King, J.J. Kirkness, G. Kirton, George Kyle, Lancefield Bros., Lancefield Lending Library, Lander & Kirsch, E.C. Landon, G.H. Larrigan, C. Lawes, W.R. Leet, L. LeForest, Levey Brothers, C. Lewis, W.E. Lindop, J. Little, J.E. Livernois, Livernois & Bienvenu, J.W. Livingston, J.F. Lochhead, Miss A. Lockwood, A.P. Low (1861-1942), E.W. Lyon (1846-1923), E.W. Lyon, Andrzej Maciejewski (1959-), Maclear & Co., Macorquodale Bros., Arnaud Maggs (1926-2012), G.F. Maitland, W. Marshall, J.D. Marsters, I. Martial, Martin, C.W. Mathers, Mathews & Anderson, E. Maycock, Hannah Maynard (1834-1918), Richard Maynard (1832-1907), Mayo & Weed, William Copeland McCalla (1872-1962), J. McClure, G. McConkey, H. McCorkindale, McCormick, A.C. McIntyre, J. McKay, S.J. McKee, McKenzie & Scott, McKin, S. McLaughlin, Samuel McLaughlin (1826-1914), Charles A. McLennan (1856-1918), Duncan McMillan, James F. McMurray (1840-1885), McMurray & Burkhardt, George Simpson McTavish, R. Meade, P.L. Menard, Arthur L. Merrill, George Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Miller, R. Milne, Paul-Émile Miot (1827-1900), Michael Mitchell (1943-), Moffat, Geraldine Moodie (1854-1945), W.A. Mooers (1845-1928), D. Morrice, E. Morrison, Morton & Pearce, Myer Moss (1864-1911), Harold E. Mott, E.D. Moulton, A.B. Munro (1857-1920), J. & W. Murdock, G.B Murray, Nerlich & Co., Niagara Falls View Co., D.A. Nichols, Norless, James Notman (1849-1932), W.M. & James Notman, William Notman (1826-1891), William McFarlane Notman (1858-1913), Notman & Fraser, Notman & Sandham, Wm. Notman & Son, Noverre & Bro., J.H. Noverre & Co., G.C. Nutter, W. O'Conner, O'Connor & Lancaster, W.D. O'Donnell (1832-1802), O'Donnell & Smith, R. & H. O'Hara, W. Oakley, J. Owen, Palace Railroad Photographic Car Co. of N.S., E.J. Palmer, P.A. Papillon, Parish & Co., Parish Pub. Co., S. Park, C.W. Parker, Parker , J.D. Parkes, Parkin & Co., J.G. Parks, S.H. Parsons (1844-1908), Parsons & Richardson, Freeman Patterson (1937-), Hugh Lee Pattinson, F.H. Peabody, T.M. Pengilly, Perry Bros., Pett's Book & News Depot, Pettijohn, E.J. Phippen, Pierce & Paterson, Peter Pitseolak (1902-1973), Pittaway & Jarvis, Poole, H. Potter, Prebby & Blanchard, Prebby & Parker, Preston, Daniel R. Pridham, Pugh Mfg. Co., A. Rae, L.C. Read, Reed Bros., J.N. Rice (1858-1919), Lewis Rice (1862-1913), Rich, James Richardson, Richer, J.L. Richmond, J. Rivet, G.P. Roberts, A.D. Robertson, H.N. Robinson, Joseph Robinson & Co., Robinson Bros., J.S. Rogers (1829-1887), Joseph S. Rogers, J. Ross, James Ross, W.J. Ross (1833-1924), A.J. Ross & Co., Ross Bros., Wm. J. Roys, Sallows, J.K. Salter, J. Sampson, Henry Sanders, J.J. Sauvageau, W. Sawyer, Geo. W. Schleyer (1857-1891), J.A. Scott, J.C. Scott, R.I. Seddons, W.V. Segee & Co., Michael Semak (1934-), H.K. Sheldon & R.F. Davis, W.B. Sherk, G.F. Simonson, C.H. Simpson, Simpson Bros., F.M. Bell Smith, R. Smith, S.M. Smith, W.T. Smith, Smith & Edy, Smith & Son, Michael Snow (1929-), E. Spencer, S.A. Spencer, W.H. Spinks, W. Sproul, G.F. Sproule, R. Sproule, Sproule & Co., B.S. & A.G. Stackhouse, Gilbert Stanley, Robert Stark, John Stephens, Wm. Stephens, F.C. Stephenson, A.J. Stewart, P.S. & T.P. Stiff, Paul Strand (1890-1976), James A. Stubbert (1855-1907), L.G. Swain, Gabor Szilasi (1928-), Harry C. Tait & Co., Talbot & Co., Tasker's Dollar Store, Sam Tata (1911-2005), F. & F.T. Taylor, Farmer Taylor, G.T. Taylor, A.B. Thom, Lucien J. Thomas, J. Thompson, Timms Stereo Views, J.O. Todd, William James Topley, Toronto Stereo. View Co., Toronto Stereoscope Co., Serge Tousignant (1942-), R.H. Trueman & Co., J.P. Tuck (1830-1894), E.J. Turner, E.R. Turner, William Uglow, Underwood & Underwood, United Photographic Stores, John Uren, L.P. Vallee, Vallee & Labelle, John Vanderpant (1884-1939), Vaughn's Photo Gallery, Victoria Gallery, Wade Bros., Jeff Wall (1946-), James D. Wallis, A.R. Ward, Bradford Washburn (1910-2007), Water Bros., Margaret Watkins (1884-1969), Chief David B. Wawanosh, H. Weber, D. Whatmough & Co., Stan White, G.E. Whiten, William Notman Studio, N.P. Williams, W. Williamson, William Williamson, J. Willis, G. Wilson, W. Windeat, J. Page Wood, J.R. Woodburn (1837-1912), H.C. Woodhead, C.H. Wright, J.S. Wright, Wright & Co., J. Zybach & Co.
Subscribers have access to the thirty five informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1Introduction to photography in Canada
2Hugh Lee Pattinson: Niagara Falls
Exploration and disaster
3Richard Beard: British Naval Northwest Passage Expedition (1845-1848)
4Richard Beard: Sir John Franklin
5Paul-Émile Miot: Newfoundland and Cape Breton
6Paul-Émile Miot: Mik'maq (Micmac)
7Acadians, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (1859)
8Humphrey Lloyd Hime: Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition (1857-1858)
9Northwest Boundary Survey (1857-1862) / British North American Boundary Commission
10Fredrick Dally (1838-1914): Western Canada (ca 1870)
11Charles Horetzky: Surveyor and photographer of British Columbia
12Joseph Burr Tyrrell: Expedition to the barren lands (1893)
Indigenous peoples
13Canada: Indigenous peoples
15William McFarlane Notman: Canada: First Nations
16Geraldine Moodie: Inuit
William Notman, his studios and associates
17William Notman: Portraits
18William Notman: Photography. Things You Ought to Know (1866)
19William Notman: Photomontages
20William James Topley: Canadian landscapes
21William Notman: The construction of Victoria Bridge, Montreal, Canada (1854-1859)
22William Notman: Use of the painted exterior wall of his Montreal Studio as a background
23William Notman: Our birds of prey: or, The eagles, hawks, and owls of Canada By Henry G. Vennor ... With 30 photographic illustrations by Wm. Notman (1876)
24Strohmeyer & Wyman: Canada
25Hannah Maynard: Self portraits
26The Canadian Pacific Railway
Life outdoors
27Alexander Henderson: Canadian landscapes
28Rosetti Photographic Studios: Canada: BC: Vancouver: Stanley Park (1912)
29William James Topley: Hunting and fishing in Canada
30Introduction to Pictorialism in Canada
31Canadian Pictorialism: Frederick George Ashton
Early colour photography
32Early colour photography in Western Canada
33John Vanderpant: Canadian Modernism
Visitors to Canada
34Paul Strand: Canada: Gaspé Peninsula
The scale of place
35Emily Carr on Canada

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