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New York





Information requests
1Improving content on US states
2Introduction to New York City
Daguerrean galleries of New York
3Mathew B. Brady: Brady's Daguerrean Gallery
4Jeremiah Gurney: J. Gurney's Premium Daguerreotype Gallery
5Portrait factory on Broadway, New York
Early salted paper prints
6Silas A. Holmes (attributed): New York (ca. 1855)
Early photo-reportage in New York State
7George N. Barnard: Oswego Mills (1853)
8Charles Lyell on Niagara Falls (1845)
9Platt D. Babbitt: Joseph Avery at Niagara Falls (1853)
Commercial photography
10New York facades shown in cabinet cards
11H.P. Smith; Judd & McLeish (photographers), 1878, Syracuse and Its Surrounding (1878)
Pictorialism and the Photo-Secession in New York
12The influence of Alfred Stieglitz on American pictorialism
13Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession, 291 Fifth Avenue, New York City
14Alfred Stieglitz and the Photo-Secession
15Alfred Stieglitz: New York at Night
16The links between Camera Work and contemporary art
17Paul Strand: New York
18Alvin Langdon Coburn: New York (1910)
19Edward Steichen: The Flatiron
20Clarence H. White School of Photography
Documentary studies of New York City
21Jacob A. Riis: How the Other Half Lives
22Jacob A. Riis: How the Other Half Lives - Book covers
23T.H. McAllister (American): Street life of New York (1898)
24Sampson Stereoscopic Co.: New York City (ca 1899)
25Alice Austen: Street Types of New York (1896)
26Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (25 March 1911)
27Augustus Francis Sherman: Ellis Island portraits
28Berenice Abbott: Changing New York
29Ilse Bing: New York (ca. 1936)
30Samuel Gottscho: New York (1930s)
31Lewis W. Hine: Empire State Building (1929-1931)
32Aaron Siskind: Harlem Document (1932-1940)
33Weegee: Street photography
34Walker Evans: New York
35Walker Evans: The subway portraits
36Esther Bubley: Greyhound Bus Station, NYC (1947)
37Introduction to New York City Photo League
38Helen Levitt: Children of New York
39Andreas Feininger: The architecture of New York
40André Kertész: Washington Square
41Bill Witt: New York City
42William Klein: New York
43Bruce Davidson: East 100th Street
44Saul Leiter: New York in colour
45Joel Meyerowitz: Street photography
46Tom Baril: The Architecture of New York
47Giacomo Brunelli: New York
Documentary studies of New York State
48Milton Rogovin: Lower West Side, Buffalo, NY
49Milton Rogovin: Buffalo, NY
50Window dressing Kleinhans Co. (Buffalo, NY)
Sites of New York City
51New York City: The Statue of Liberty
52New York City: The Brooklyn Bridge
53New York City: The Manhattan Bridge
54New York City: The Flatiron Building
55New York City: Chrysler Building
56New York City: The Empire State Building
57New York City: Grand Central Station
Sites of New York state
58Niagara Falls
59Gates Brothers: Watkins Glen, N.Y. (1865)
60R.D. Crum: Watkins, Havana and Eldridge Glen Scenery
61W.T. Purviance: The Scenery of the Northern Central Railway [Series] (ca 1870)
62Christopher G. Gibbard: Views at Auburn, N.Y. (1870s)
63G.W. Baldwin: Gems of the Adirondacks [Series]
64Kempe & Gates: The Great Flood in Rochester, NY, St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17, 1865
September 11, 2001
65World Trade Center (September 11, 2001)
66Kevin Bubriski: Pilgrimage: Looking At Ground Zero (2001)
20th Century View Co., A.C. Co., A.A. Abbott, Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), J.H. & J.L. Abbott, R.R. Abbott, S.C. Abbott, W.W. Abbott, William H Abbott, Tony Abeline, E.E. Aber, H. Abercrombie, Ackerman Bros., Ackley, C.W. Adams, J. Adams, W.I. Adams, Adams Bros, A.J. Agate, F. Ahrens, J.F. Aitken, E.L. Akehurst, A.C. Alden, A.E. Alden, A.E. & A.J. Alden, A.E. & E.T. Alden, H.B. Aldrich, F. Allen, H.S. Allen, J. Allen, S.A. Allen, W.H. Allen, W.H. Allerton (1858-1925), E.H. Alley, J.R. Allis, Alman, J. Almstaedt, N.A. Alsever, J.P. Ambler, America Illustrated, American & International Stereoscopic View Co., American Colortype Co., American Electroscope Co., American Mutoscope & Biograph Co., American Photographic Co., American Photographic View Co., American Scenery Co., American Stereoscopic Co., American Stereoscopic Co., American Stereoscopic Co., American Views, E.C. Andrews, Annesley & Ferris, Henry T. Anthony, D. Appleton, D. Appleton & Co., Appleton Stereo Photo Co., G.F. Archibald, George F. Archibald, G.C. Arless, Stiles P. Armsbury, J.E. Armstrong, A. Arnold, C.R. Arnold, T.J. Arnold, Astoria Photo Studio, C.W. & R.E. Atherton, R.E. Atkinson, J. Atwater, Auchmoody, D.J. Auchmoody, R. Aucock, Ausable Co., J. Austen, Mrs. John Austen, Austen & Oliver, H.K. Averill Jr., A.S. Avery, D.L. Avery, R.S. Avery, Aylesworth & Butman, G.B. Ayres, Babbitt & Tugby, Babcock Bros., J. Bach, F.W. Bacon, W.P. Bacon, Bacon & Carnall , E. Bailey, F.M. Bailey, Harwood L. Bailey, Bain Bros., Baird, Leander Baker, O.K. Baker, W.H. Baker, W.N. Baker, William J. Baker, Baker & Record, Balch, E. Balch, G.W. Baldwin, H.J. Bangs, R.C. Barcalow, J.H. Barhydt, Barhydt & Taylor, G.R. Barker, Barnes, Barnett, L.M.G. Barnett, S. Barnett, Thomas Barnett, D. Barnum, D. Barrett, E.A. Bass, H.E. Bass, Bausch & Dransfield, H.C. Beal, J.H. Beal, H.C. Beals, J. Beardsley, Beardsley Bros., R.W. Beaujean, Beckel Bros., C.H. Becker, E.A. Beckwith, G.O. Bedford, L.G. Beecher, S. Beer, Beer Bros., A.E. Beers, A. Belden, A. Beldon, G.W. Bellewyn, Bellinger, Bement & Davenport, K.W. Beniczky, E.D. Benjamin, J.J. Bennete, C. Bennett, David Berg, F.S. Berggren & Company, G.T. Berry, J. Berry, M.L. Berry, H. Besancon, Best Manufacturing Co., C.W. Bethune, J.T. Betts, C.O. Bickelman, C.O. Bickelmann, Albert Bierstadt, H.W. Biffar, C.W. Bigden, W.A. Bigelow, C.K. Bill, Ilse Bing (1899-1998), B. Bishop, Blauvelt & Co., J.A. Blecker, H.L. Bliss, L.R. Bliss, R.H. Bliven, Bliven & Oakley, Frederick Blume, John R. Boardman, Abraham Bogardus (1822-1908), Bonney Bros., S. Bonta, Bonta & Curtiss, Boogie (1969-), Bookhout, T.B. Boothroyd, Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971), N.S. Bowdish, Sereno A. Bowers, J.F. Bowmann, W.H. Boyer, Boyer & Tuttle, Robert L. Bracklow (1849-1919), P.B. Bradley, Mathew B. Brady (1823-1896), Brainard & Brown, Brainard & Waite, J.M. Brainerd, Jonathan Brand, L. Brandow, Henry Bratt, Brauer, A. Brevoort, T.J. Brickell, Brickell & Cudding, J. Brill, I. Broadlay, Brockway & Martin, Bronner, Brown, A.G. Brown, C.K. Brown, E.M. Brown, H.C. Brown, H.G. Brown, J.C. Brown, R. Brown, Brown & Spaulding, J.A. Bruce, S. Bruckner, F.L. Bryant, C.C. Buckley, A.B. Buell, C.E. Buell, O.B. Buell (1844-1910), S. Bullock, Rudy Burckhardt (1914-1999), C. Burgess, N.G. Burgess, Burgess & Buskerk, Burnette, L.E. Burnham, M. Burr, J.C. Burritt, A.M. Burroughs, Howard R. Butler, Mrs. Butler, G. Butman, J.J. Butman, C.C.W., Call, Alfred S. Campbell, James W. Campbell, James E. Canfield, Cannon, M. Cannon, Cannon & Rhymgh, J.M. Capper, C.P. Capron, Charles Carman, William F. Carnall, J.H. Carpenter, J.J. Carpenter, Carpenter & Stoddard, W. Carriel, J. Carson, G.W. Carter, Fred R. Case, William Case, Central City View Co., Central Park Views, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, W.M. Champ, W.D. Chandler, C.R. Chapin, Chapin & Penfield, A.F. Chase, John D. Chase, Peter Chiesa, R.E. Churchill, Churchill & Denison, W.G. Clapp, J..M. Clapper, Clark, C.R. Clark, E.A. Clark, G.W. Clark, Clark & Holmes, C.C. Clarke, Edw. Clarke, O.B. Clarke, Claudius & Ray, S. Cleaver, E.T. Clegg, J.L. Clegg, L.F. Clegg, E.G. Clements, F.B. Clench, R.J. Clench, Clendenny, Climax View Co., Willis A. Clinch, George N. Cobb, A. Cobden, E. & A. Coburn, Coddington & Davidson, Coddington's Catholic Photographs, L. Colburn, J.K. Cole, M.R. Coleman, E.M. Collins, Comic Series, A.B. Comstock, George W. Conkey, Conkey & Hultz, Enoch Conklin, F.A. Constable, Continent Stereoscopic Co., Continental View Co., A.I. Cook, E.T. Cook, E.W. Cook, W.A. Cook, Cooke & Loucks, A.A. Cooley, Dr. J.V.D. Coon, A.E. Coonrod, Cooper, C.S. Cooper, E.L. Cooper, Cooper & Cottrell, Cooperative View Co., The, G.T. Copeland, Corell Bros., C.L. Cornell, C.L. & N.L. Cornell, C.S. Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. C.V.D. Cornell, N.L. Cornell, S.S. Cornell, J.P. Cornwall, Cosmos Co., The, Cosmos Series, The, W. Wilson Cowell, R.A. Cowpher, W.D. Crandell, Crandell & Conkey, F.M. Crane, J.S. Crane, Crane & Baldwin, R.A. Crapser, Crescent Photo Co., The, J.S. Crocker, M.N. Crocker, B.P. Crossman, Benjamin P. Crossman, F.S. Crowell, R.W. Crowell, R.D. Crum, Raymond Crum, W.C. Crum, Crum & Sharp, E.W. Cudding, Frank J. Culver, Bill Cunningham (1929-2016), J.K. Cunningham, George E. Curtis, Nathan S. Curtiss, Leo Daft, R.W. Daly, Erastus Darrow, W.M. Davenport, Bruce Davidson (1933-), C.L. Davie, Davis, Davis, E.R. Davis, James M. Davis, S. Davis, T.W. Davis, Day, W.D. Daymon, C. De Rham, Eugene De Salignac (1861-1943), F.A.W. Dean, Moses Dedrick, DeLong & Robie, R.W. Dennis, B.L. Denton, Devendorf, W.B. Devereux, Devereux & Butler, DeVoe, G.H. Dewitt, P. Deyo, Diamond H Series, The Dibble Studio, W. Dick, A.S. Dickerson, W.H. Dignum, H. Disbrow, Disbrow & Few, Dodds Bros., Doolittle, Doonan & Co., R.W. Dotey, Doubleday, Page & Co., I.V. Doust, H.P. Dow, J.M. Dow, Dow & Wilson, Drier, A.K. Drury, P.C. Duchochois, H.A. Dudley, Dunbar, W.J. Dunihue, Dunshee Bros., W.H. Dunwick, James Duryea, J.A. Dygert, L. Eadweard, Arnold Eagle (1909-1992), J.D. Eagles (1837-1907), F.H. Eales, H.L. Easter, Eastman Kodak Co., E.A. Edgerton, P.D. Edick, Edinburgh Stereographic Company, Alexander Edouart, F. Edsall, E.D. Edwards, J. Edwards, T. Edwards, Ehrich Bros., Hans Eijkelboom (1949-), Chas Eisenmann, J.B. Elliott, S.M. Elliott, Nelson D. Elting, G.M. Elton, Geo. M. Elwood, Edwin Emerson, Fr. J. Emmerich, Emmons & Co., Empire State Copying House, Empire Stereoscopic Photo Co., James Enoch, Epler, William H. Ernsberger, Ernsberger & Ray, E.M. Estabrook, G.S. Etz, E.D. Evans, O.B. Evans, Eve & Alden, L.C. Everett, P.F. Everson, Excelsior Stereo Tours, Excelsior Stereoscopic Views, Fairchild Aerial Surveys, T. Faris, Faris & Gray, Farmer, S.H. Farnham, George Farnsworth, Maurice Farrington, Louis Faurer (1916-2001), C.R. Fay, E.B. Fay, Fay & Farmer, Fay & Ferris, Andreas Feininger (1906-1999), Fell & Son, Herman T. Fellow, J.B. Fenner, E.A. Fenton, F. Fenton, Fenton & Rosenkrantz, C. Ferris, T.R. Ferris, G.G. Filkins, L.H. Fillmore, H.M. Finley, Rebecca Finley, Finley & Sons, A.J. Fisher (1842-1882), A.D. Fisk, Fisk & Reitmeyer, J.C. Fitzgerald, C.F. Flagg, G.V. Flagg, Gideon Flanders, W.C. Flanders, Fletcher, Flint, Folsom, E.S. Folsom, Folsom Bros., D.A. Foote, M.D. Forbes, Frank Forshew, Forsyth & Wilson, Josre L. Foster, S.J. Fowler, Fowler & Minor, J.M. Fox, Fox & Gates, L.G. Francis, O. Franklin, Benjamin C. Frazee, G.C. Frazier, William Frear, Charles DeForest Fredricks (1823-1894), Jill Freedman (1939-2019), G.W. Freeland, J.C. French, Greg Friedler, W. Fritz, Fronti, D.V. Frost, L.G. Frost, R.H. Furman, R.C. G., G.M. Gabler, C.H. Gallup, A.B. Gardner, Dr. C.H. Gardner, W.M. Gardner, Gardner & Fry, Gardner's Studio, Garlock, C.A. Gates, E.C. Gates, G.F. Gates, G.F. Gates, George F. Gates, M.R. Gates, Menzo E. Gates, P.T. Gates, Willis D. Gates, Gates & Malette, Gates Bros., W.P. Gelderd, Gem Slide Co., Julius A. Gentry, E.L. George & Co, J.F. Getman, Getman & Bowdish, Christopher G. Gibbard (1832-1890), C.H. Gibson, B.R. Gifford, Frank Gilbreth, Bruce Gilden (1946-), J.W. Gillis, Gilman, J.J. Ginther, W.H. Gipperley, Ira Glasscock, Globe Photo Art Co., H. Glosser, G.W. Godfrey, Godfrey & Noble, A.H. Goetting, E. Goldbacher, Golder & Robinson, J.H. Goldsmid, Leo Goldstein, H.Y. Goodlet, John Goodman, J.P. Goodrich, Henry Goold, L.B. Gorham, C.O. Gott, Samuel Gottscho (1875-1971), C.E. Gould, Peter Gowland, N.C. Graham, L.A. Grant, N.M. Graver, Graves & Greenwood, Gray, Tracey Gray, Great Western View Co., The Greater New York Stereo Co., T. Greeley, Guy Green, Green & Tenney, George W. Green Jr., Green Mountain Stereoscopic Co., The Green-Wood Cemetery, John C. Gregg, James Gresham, L.V. Griffin, Griffiths, V.M. Griswold, Groenway, Gross & Becker, Grune & Stratton, G.K. Guilbert, W.H. Guild, Wm. Gunther, Gurley, Gurley & Harris, Jeremiah Gurney (1812-1895), P. Haas, Haben, Chas. D. Hadley, Hagedorn & Suder, Robert Hager, H.J. Haight, J. Hail, Haines, Haines & Elliott, Haines & Wickes, H.H. Halbert, Benjamin F. Hale, Hall, G.H. Hall, G.W. Hall, Joseph Hall, W.L. Hall, W. Hall & Sons, Hall Bros, R.N. Ham, H. Hamilton, Hamilton & Kodylek , Nathan D. Hammett, Nathan D. Hammett, Jay Hammond, John Hammond, Hannay, R.V.H. Hanson, Hardy, Hardy & Van Arnam, E.P. Harris, F.J. Harris & Co., Harris & Greene, C.C. Harrison, Gabriel Harrison (1818-1902), R.L. Harrison, Harroun & Bierstadt, Hart, A.P. Hart (1816-1893), W.H. Harting, Hathorne, O. Pierre Havens, W.L. Havens, H.W. Hayt, W. Hebden, Hegger, J. Heinz, G.C. Hemingway, J.C. Hemment, J.S. Hendee, Francis Hendricks (1834-1920), L. Hensel, L. Hess, F.E. Hewitt, B.E. Hibbard, A. Hickcox, S. Hicks, The High Art Stereo Co., Otto Hillig, A. Hillman, C.H. Hillman, L. Hillman, B.A. Hilman, L. Hilman, A.S. Hinchley, Shepard Hinchley, A.S. Hinckley, Hinckley & Meske, T.C. Hinds, Burton Hine, Lewis W. Hine (1874-1940), Shepard Hinkley, L.C. Hoard, Hoard & Laidler, Hoard, Upham & Co., Evelyn Hofer (1922-2009), Edwin A. Holbrook, W.H. Holbrook, J.D. Holden, J.F. Holley, J. Hollinger, H. Hollister, W.H. Holmer, Holmes, Silas A. Holmes (1820-1886), W.B. Holmes, Holt & Gray, Home Stereograph Publishing Co., T.D. Hooker, Charles T. Hooper, Hoover & Brickell, Hoover & Burnham, Hoover & Hawks, Hope, J.D. Hope, A.C. Hopkins, G.P. Hopkins, Hopkins & Sanders, R. Horton, Henry A. Hose, A.E. Hotchkiss, E.K. Hough, D. Hovey, E.P. & J.S. Hovey, A.J. Howard, W.S. Howard, Howard & Co., W.H. Howell, W.R. Howell, H. Hoyer, W.W. Hoyt, Hudson River Views, G.P. Huested, Huested Bros., Charles W. Hull ( 183-1895), F. Hunold, L.F. Hurd, Hurd & Householder, Hurd & Winsor, James A. Hurst, David Hutchison, I.C.U. Co., I.M.R. Co., Imperial Publishing Co., Ingalls, W.B. Ingersoll, International News Service, International Photograph Gallery, International Stereo View Co., International Stereoscopic Co., The International View Co., George S. Irish, J.A. Irvine, James Irving, Ithaca & Cayuga Lake Scenery, Fred E. Ives, Jackson & Knight, H.C. Jacobs, W.E. James, Wm. E. James (1835-1887), G.M. Janes, A.D. Jaynes, Jeffers & McDonnald, C.H. Jennings, E. Jernegan, E. Jessup, A.A. Johnson, D.J. Johnson, E.M. Johnson (1844-1910), G.L. Johnson, William Johnson, Johnson & D'Utassy, Johnson Bros., Johnson Gallery, J.S. Johnston, William Johnston, W.S. Jones, William E. Jones, Jordan, J.L. Jordan, J.L. & H.A. Jordan, M.E. Judd, Judd & McLeish, Judd & Ranger, Judd & Rugg, R.W. Jull, Sid Kaplan (1938-), E.E. Kellogg, Jas. W. Kellogg, Kelly & Tracy, J.J. Kempe, Kempe & Gates, Michael Kenna (1953-), Kennedy, Kenney & Ludden, John H. Kent (1827-1910), M.H. Kenyon, André Kertész (1894-1985), J.J. Kesslar, Keystone View Co. of New England, W.H. Kibbee, J.J. Killelea & Co., B.C. Kinney, W. Klauser, William Klein (1928-), George Knapp, Knapp & Marbles, Knapps, Knickerbocker Automatic Machine Co., Knight, W.M. Knight, Knight & Eales, Kresge & Wilson, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), Kuester & Wyer, W. Kurtz, L.D. & Co., I.D. LaBarre, Ladd & Pringle, Carl Laemmle, Lake George View Co., Albert Landsberg, Langdon & Tallman, Harry Lapow (1909-1982), Victor Laredo (1910-2003), J.E. Larkin, L.C. Laudy, John Lazarus, J.M. LeClear, Arthur Leipzig (1918-2014), J.M. Letts, C.W. Leveridge, Helen Levitt (1913-2009), Albert Levy, A. Lewis, E. Lewis, Mrs. J.B. Lewis, Randal Lewis, Lewis , J.R. Lindmark, H.R. Lindsly, Lindsly & Claudius, Lloyd, J.H. Lloyd, Lockport View and Portrait Co., Lockwood, A. Loeffler, J. Loeffler (1834-1901), F.W. Loeser, F. Loomis, György Lorinczy (1935-1981), E.P. Loring, Loring & Green, W. Love, C.L. Lovejoy, C.L. Lovejoy, M.S. Lovell, C.S. Lucas, William Lucey, E.F. Lummis, F. Luthin, W.H. Lyman, MacNabb, Z.F. Magill, C.H. Maginley, Jay Maisel (1931-), G.M. Manning, B. Manzer & Co., W.H. Mapes, W. Marlatt, C.H. Marsh, C.M. Marsh, Fred H. Marsh, Martin, F.T. Martin, H.T. Martin, Ira Martin (1886-1960), Marvin & Bigalow, O.G. Mason, Samuel J. Mason, Michael Massaia (1978-), Massena Art Gallery, E.P. Masterson, Masterson & Wood, J.M. Masterton, H.S. Mather, Mather & Lyon, James Mathews, D.J. Maxson, W.P. Maynard, Joseph A. McAleenan, A.J. McDonald, McDonald & Sterry, A.C. McIntyre, P.H. McKernon, McKown & Co., W. McLeish, McLeish & Evans, McLeish & Grant's Stereoscopic Views, McLeish, Dudley & Co., H. McNeill, J. McPherson, Mead & Beard, Mead & Co., Meade Bros., Mechanical and Landscape Photograph Co., Meinerth Bros., L.B. Melven, Barbara Mensch (1950-), Mercantile Photograph Co., Mereness, Mereness & Miller, Mereness & Winans, Jeff Mermelstein (1957-), M.L. Merriman, W.H. Merz, Meske, Gilman & Rawson, Metropolitan View Co., Joel Meyerowitz (1938-), H.H. Miller, Milton Miller (1830-1899), Theodore Miller, William Miller & Co., Miller & Sprague, Milliken, Dr. J.C. Mills (1823-1891), H.F. Mills, Mills Novelty Co., William E. Minard, R. Mingay, Jr., A.D. Mitchell, G.H. Monroe, G.H. & M.H. Monroe, J.E. Monroe, Monroe & Kachler, J.J. Montgomery, Monticello Gallery, Moor, Moore, Charles H. Moore, J. Robert Moore, T. & H.C. Moore, W.C. Moore & Co., A. Morand, Moravia & Groton Fine Art Gallery, M.A. Morehouse, Wm. A. Morrill, S.H. Morris, Professor R.C. Morrow, C.W. Morse, Morse & Fronti, Lida Moser (1920-2014), C.B. Mosman, E.W. Moul, W. Mould & Son, Moulton & Dopp, F. Mourey & Son, E. Muller, Muller Bros., L.C. Mundy, Mundy & Rowell, Mundy & Williams, M.H. Munroe, E. Murphy, J.R. Muth, C.E. Myers, Myers & Lesure, Myers & Sutton, Sam'l Nafew Co., Naphew & Co., Jas. Natcher, National Photograph Co., Nesbitt, J.H. New, New Educational Series, New York Stereocopic View Co., New York Stereoscopic Co., The New York View Co., H.J. Newton, Niagara Falls Carving Co., G.M.D. Nichols, A.S. Nickerson, Rogers Nickerson, S.B. Nicols, H.F. Nielson & Co., F.A. Nims, W. Nims, Nisbett, A.M. North, G.H. North, W.C. North, G.H. Norton, P. Norwood, Edward S. Nott, Novelviews, A.J. Noyes, J.H. Noyes, A. Newton Oakley, I.L. Ogden, Old Sullivan County Photograph Gallery, Olden, Sawyer & Co., E.H. Olds, J.W. Olin, F.W. Oliver, H.W. Oliver, Olivetti, Folimarino & Co., Oneida Community, J. Ormsby, A. Orr, A. Orr, Jr., F.H. Osgood, H. Osterhout, George G. Otis, G.W. Pach (1845-1904), Pach Brothers, U.H. Paderson, Homer Page (1918-1985), E.H. Paige, Benjamin Palmer, C.A. Palmer, C.W. Palmer, A.H. Parker, D.A. Parker, G.W. Parker, H.R. Parker, M.E. Patten, J.B. Patterson, U.H. Patterson, Paul & Curtis, A. Pearsall, Charles H. Pease, J.L. Pease, A. Peck, F.B. Peck, R. Peckham, E.E. Peirce, G.E. Pell, W.S. Pendleton, Gilles Peress (1946-), Perrior, Sean Perry (1968-), Pestalozzi Educational View Co., Philleo & Tegg, W. Phillips, T.L. Philo, Photo Art Co., L.A. Pierce, B. Pike, Sylvia Plachy (1943-), T.J. Plank, Plimpton & Ruggles, Plimpton's Excelsior Gallery, G.E. & W.E. Pollock, C.T. Pomeroy, Charles L. Pond, A.W. Porter, A. Potter, J.R. Potter, Rex Potter, A.M. Powers, J.E. Presson, W.C. Preston, Victor Prevost (1820-1881), H. Price & Co., C. Pringle, B.E. Prudden, W.T. Purviance, C.S. Rabineau, Walter Rail, W.M. Ranger, Ward V. Ranger, Ranger & Austen, Ranger & Elton, Ranger & Frazee, Ranger & Whitmore, C.H. Ravell, J. Ready, Realistic Travels, Record & Epler, W.A. Reid, J.J. Reilly (1839-1894), J.J. Resslar, S.S. Richards, A.S. Richardson, W.T. Richardson, Richardson & Clark, Rickard, J.A. Rider, E. Ridley & Sons, E.W. Rieck, Jacob A. Riis (1849-1914), William M. Rittase (1894-1968), Charles L. Ritzmann, Angelo Rizzuto (1906-1967), J.B. Roberts, Robinson, W.T. Robinson, Thomas C. Roche (1826-1895), Rochester Views, George Gardner Rockwood (1832-1911), Rockwood & Co., Rodenbaker, J. Rogers, John Rogers, S. Rogers, Wm. P. Rogers, Milton Rogovin (1909-2011), Thomas Roma, Ronne & Washburn, Prof. O.N. Rood, Rood & Emerson, D.N. Ropes, H. Ropes & Co., Rose & Walker, Ross & Andrews , S.A. Rote, M.J. Roth, D. Rowbotham, Brandt Rowles, Loren A. Rowley, Rubenstein & David, H.D. Rumsey (1824-1903), Rumsey , Morton W. Rundel, H.P. Rundell, R.R. Rundell, Runion, A.J. Russell (1830-1902), Rutherford, W. Rutherford, Rutherford & Boardman, Lewis M. Rutherfurd (1816-1892), Drahomir Ruzicka (1870-1960), W.E. Ryon & Son, D.I. Salt, Samo, Sampson Stereoscopic Co., J.W. Sanborn, I.H. Sanderson, Saratoga Photograph Co., Sarony (1821-1896), I. Saunders, Andrew Savulich (1949-), J.L. Schermerhorn, Schermerhorn & Co., L.J. Schira, Ken Schles (1960-), Schofield, C.C. Schoonmaker, Schoonmaker & Hill, Schwab, C.H. Scofield, Thos. Sebring, S.J. Sedgwick, W.T. Seely, Selig Polyscope Co., H.W. Seward, Ben Shahn (1898-1969), George J. Shaltis, J. Sharp, G.B. Shay, S.L. Sheldon, George N. Shepard, Levi Sherman, C.C. Sherwood, J.A. Sherwood, Shiplar & Co., L. Short, Shuber, Dr. Albert L. Sieg, W.W. Silver, Silver & Waterman, A.W. Simon, H.T. Simon, Simpson, Simson, W.G. Singhi, W.H. Sipperly, A. Sisson, Skinner, H. Skinner, V.D. Skinner, Slee Brothers, J.E. Slocum, A.H. Smith, D.E. Smith, H.N. Smith, J.W. Smith, O.C. Smith, S.B. Smith, S.G. & J.T. Smith, T.P. Smith, W.G. Smith, Smith & Sayles, W.E. Sparrow, Spaulding, S. Spencer, Spence Spencer, W.F. Spencer, Spencer & Falkner, Sperry & Co., E.B. Squier, Squires & Multer, H. Seymour Squyer, C.A. Stacey, George Stacy, C. Stafford, Stage, Standard Series, I.B. Stanton, R.J. Stead, A.B. Stebbins, D. Stein, The Stereal Co., Stereo Classic Studios, Inc., Stereo-Travel Co., Stern, Sterro-Photo Co, Sterry, Stewart & Yoost, Stien & Lyon, A.J. Stiles, Stiles & Bach, C.W. Stoddard, Seneca Ray Stoddard, Nathan L. Stone, Storer & Hopkins, Storms & Co, Lou Stoumen (1917-1991), R.T. Stratton, H.A. Strohmeyer, Strohmeyer & Wyman, F.M. Strope, Summit Views, J.C. Sunderlin, Surdam & White, Sutton, J.K. Sutton, W.L. Sutton, J.E. Swanton, Syracuse View Co., Charles E.M. Taber, Wing Taber, Talfan, Tall & Summers, C.W. Tallman, Tallman & LeClear, Taylor, J.W. Taylor, Norman Taylor, Taylor & Lamson, H.J. Tenney, E.A. Thomalen, S.A. Thomas, William C. Thomas, Thomas & Pettigrew, Thomas & Treadwell, Thompson, E.C. Thompson, F.F. Thompson (1836-1899), James Thomson, Thorn, G.W. Thorne, A.W. Tice, L. Tilman, Tip-Top Arcade, C.C. Tolles, C. Tomlinson, T.D. Tooker, H.J. Tousley, H.S. Tousley, Fred'k. F. Towler, John C. Towler, W.H. Towne, Townsend & Bros., Townsend & Dudrey, Philip Trager (1935-), John Treadwell, B.F. Trescott & S.B. Smith, Trescott & Smith , H. Tripp, Trowbridge & Jennings, Troy's Famous Crystal Palace Dollar Store, G.L. Tubbs, M.N. Tubbs, S.E. Tubbs, G.S. Tubbs & Son, Tucker, W.M. Tucker, T.T. Tuthill, W.M. Tuthill, Tuthill & Teed, C.M. Tuttle, Twitchell & Hargreaves, C.B. Tyler, J. Tyson & Son, U.S. Instantaneous Photographic Co., Ulbrich & Kingsley, Underwood & Underwood, Union Photograph Co., Union Stereoscopic Co., Union Stereoscopic View Co., Union View Co., United Photographic Co., Universal Photo Art Co., Universal Photographic View Co., Universal Stereoscopic View Co., Universe Stereoscopic Co., Up-To-Date View Co., J.W. Upham, J.T. Upson, Upson & Simson, Ustick & Co., J.G. Vail, J.P. Vail, L.P. Vail, W. Vail, Vail & Elton, Vail & Summers, Vail Bros., E.M. Van Aken, C.W. Van Alstine, C.W. Van Alstine, Van Alstine , A.O. Van Lennep, Van Lier & Co., Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964), I.M. Van Wagner, Van Wagner , Simon Van Wagonen, A. Veeder, Velox Images, J.D. Vickery, Voelker & Staffeldt, W.M. Waite, H.R. Wales, Alfred Walker, L.E. Walker (1826-1916), S.L. Walker, Walker & Boyle, Waller & Schrader, J.P. Walter, V.C. Ward, Ward & Ranger, W.H. Wardner, E.J. Wardwell & Co., Julian Warner, T.B. Warner, W.E. Warren, George L. Washburn, H.G. Waterman, Watertown Stereoscopic & View Co., Todd Webb (1905-2000), Webster & Albee, Weegee (1899-1968), P.F. Weil, J.A. Weld, Mrs. J.A. Weld, E.G. Weld & Son, H.M. Wells, Wells & Cady, Julius M. Wendt, Brett Weston (1911-1993), Isaac Augustus Wetherby (1819-1904), M. Wheeler, R. Wheeler, S.S. Wheeler, Wheeler & Spenning, W.W. Whiddit, W.C. Whincup, R.B. Whitaker, H.C. White & Co., J.H. Whitely, Whiting Bros., J.H. Whitley, L.L. Whitlock, Whitmore, Whitney, Whitney & Paradise, Whitney, Beckwith & Paradise, R.B. Whittaker, H. Whittemore, Susan Wides, O.H. Widley, Wilder & Williamson, O.H. Wildey, Wiley & Halstead, Stephen Wilkes, C.C. Williams, L.B. Williams, C.H. Williamson (1826-1874), Grace Wilson, J.J. Wilson, Stewart Wilson, Wing & Beach, Wing & Bush, Garry Winogrand (1928-1984), Winsor & Whipple, Bill Witt (1921-), C.S. Wolcott, R. Wollensach, Wood, F.D. Wood, H.H. Wood, R.O. Wood, Thomas E. Wood, Wood & Brother, H. Wood, Jr., Wood's Bazaar, J.S. Woods, William J. Woods, C.W. Woodward (1836-1894), Woodward & Albee, Woodward & Rundel, Woodward Stereoscopic Co., J.S. Wooley, Paul J. Woolf (1899-1985), O.C. Wurst, S. Wyant, H.S. Wyer, Fred L. Yagear, Yoeder, C. Young, Charles P. Young, P.R. Young, R.Y. Young, Young & Brownell, Young People's Missionary Movement, M.H. Zahner, Zahner & Schira, Fred Zinnemann (1907-1997)
Subscribers have access to the sixty six informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
Information requests
1Improving content on US states
2Introduction to New York City
Daguerrean galleries of New York
3Mathew B. Brady: Brady's Daguerrean Gallery
4Jeremiah Gurney: J. Gurney's Premium Daguerreotype Gallery
5Portrait factory on Broadway, New York
Early salted paper prints
6Silas A. Holmes (attributed): New York (ca. 1855)
Early photo-reportage in New York State
7George N. Barnard: Oswego Mills (1853)
8Charles Lyell on Niagara Falls (1845)
9Platt D. Babbitt: Joseph Avery at Niagara Falls (1853)
Commercial photography
10New York facades shown in cabinet cards
11H.P. Smith; Judd & McLeish (photographers), 1878, Syracuse and Its Surrounding (1878)
Pictorialism and the Photo-Secession in New York
12The influence of Alfred Stieglitz on American pictorialism
13Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession, 291 Fifth Avenue, New York City
14Alfred Stieglitz and the Photo-Secession
15Alfred Stieglitz: New York at Night
16The links between Camera Work and contemporary art
17Paul Strand: New York
18Alvin Langdon Coburn: New York (1910)
19Edward Steichen: The Flatiron
20Clarence H. White School of Photography
Documentary studies of New York City
21Jacob A. Riis: How the Other Half Lives
22Jacob A. Riis: How the Other Half Lives - Book covers
23T.H. McAllister (American): Street life of New York (1898)
24Sampson Stereoscopic Co.: New York City (ca 1899)
25Alice Austen: Street Types of New York (1896)
26Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (25 March 1911)
27Augustus Francis Sherman: Ellis Island portraits
28Berenice Abbott: Changing New York
29Ilse Bing: New York (ca. 1936)
30Samuel Gottscho: New York (1930s)
31Lewis W. Hine: Empire State Building (1929-1931)
32Aaron Siskind: Harlem Document (1932-1940)
33Weegee: Street photography
34Walker Evans: New York
35Walker Evans: The subway portraits
36Esther Bubley: Greyhound Bus Station, NYC (1947)
37Introduction to New York City Photo League
38Helen Levitt: Children of New York
39Andreas Feininger: The architecture of New York
40André Kertész: Washington Square
41Bill Witt: New York City
42William Klein: New York
43Bruce Davidson: East 100th Street
44Saul Leiter: New York in colour
45Joel Meyerowitz: Street photography
46Tom Baril: The Architecture of New York
47Giacomo Brunelli: New York
Documentary studies of New York State
48Milton Rogovin: Lower West Side, Buffalo, NY
49Milton Rogovin: Buffalo, NY
50Window dressing Kleinhans Co. (Buffalo, NY)
Sites of New York City
51New York City: The Statue of Liberty
52New York City: The Brooklyn Bridge
53New York City: The Manhattan Bridge
54New York City: The Flatiron Building
55New York City: Chrysler Building
56New York City: The Empire State Building
57New York City: Grand Central Station
Sites of New York state
58Niagara Falls
59Gates Brothers: Watkins Glen, N.Y. (1865)
60R.D. Crum: Watkins, Havana and Eldridge Glen Scenery
61W.T. Purviance: The Scenery of the Northern Central Railway [Series] (ca 1870)
62Christopher G. Gibbard: Views at Auburn, N.Y. (1870s)
63G.W. Baldwin: Gems of the Adirondacks [Series]
64Kempe & Gates: The Great Flood in Rochester, NY, St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17, 1865
September 11, 2001
65World Trade Center (September 11, 2001)
66Kevin Bubriski: Pilgrimage: Looking At Ground Zero (2001)

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