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Improving content
1Improving content on contemporary photographers
Introduction to photography in Egypt
2Introduction to photography in Egypt
3Daguerreotypes: Egypt
Cartes de visite
4Cartes de visite: Egypt
5Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey: Egypt
6Jules Itier: Egypt
7Félix Teynard: Egypt and Nubia
8Félix Teynard: Egypt and Nubia: Negatives
9Louis de Clercq: Egypt
10Maxime du Camp: Egypt
11John Shaw Smith: Archaeological sites of Egypt (1851-1852)
12John Beasly Greene: Le Nil (1854)
13Robert Murray: Egypt
14François Joseph Edouard de Campigneules: Egypt (1858)
15Antonio Beato: Egypt
16Henry Cammas: Egypt (taken 1859-1860)
17Francis Frith: Books on Egypt, Sinai and Palestine
18Francis Frith: Egypt
19Francis Frith: Stereoviews: Egypt, Nubia and the Middle East
20Francis Frith: Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia, Illustrated with One Hundred Stereoscopic Photographs (1862)
21Francis Bedford: The Prince of Wales and his trip to the East - Egypt (1862)
22C.G. Fountaine: Photographic views taken in Egypt and Greece by C. G. Fontaine (1862)
23Gustave Le Gray: Egypt
24W. Hammerschmidt: Egypt: Archaeological sites
25G. Lékégian: Egypt: Archaeological sites
26Hippolyte Arnoux: Egypt: Archaeological sites
27Zangaki Brothers: Egypt: Archaeological sites
28P. Dittrich: Egypt: Archaeological sites
29William de Wiveleslie Abney: Thebes and its Five Greater Temples (1876)
30H. Béchard: The Pyramids
31Pascal Sebah: Egypt: The Pyramids and the Sphinx
32Abdullah frères: Egypt
33Strohmeyer & Wyman: Egypt
34Charles Piazzi Smyth: Lantern slides and other photographs of Egypt
35Photographing in Egypt W.M. Flinders Petrie (1881-1891)
36The Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan (1905-1907)
37Photographing in the interior of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel (1906)
38Photographing the Temple of Amun and Amunhotep III at Soleb (1907)
39Charles Jacquin (French): Autochromes of Egyptian archaeological sites (ca 1912)
Cities - Cairo
40Egypt: Cairo
41Pascal Sebah: Cairo
42Francis Frith: Cairo
43W. Hammerschmidt: Cairo
44Zangaki Brothers: Cairo
45Félix Bonfils: Egypt: Cairo
46H. Béchard: Cairo: Streets
Cities - Alexandria
47Egypt: Alexandria
48Egypt: Shepheard's Hotel / Hotel Shepherd
Travel guides and photography
49Karl Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers - Cairo
50Underwood & Underwood: James Henry Breasted - Egypt Through the Stereoscope
51Clara Whitcomb`s diary: Egypt and the Levant (1898-1899)
The Nile
52Egypt: The Nile
53Egypt: First and Second Cataracts of the Nile
Archaeological sites in Egypt
54Egypt: Alexandria: Column of Pompey
55Egypt: Cairo: Cemeteries and tombs of the Mamalukes
56Egypt: The Pyramids of Giza
57Egypt: Climbing the Pyramids
58Egypt: The Sphinx
59Egypt: Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), Sakkarah (Saqqara)
60Egypt: The Pyramids of Dahshoor (now Dahshur or Dashur)
61Egypt: Beni Hasan
62Egypt: Abydos
63Egypt: Dendara
64Egypt: Colossi of Memnon
65Egypt: Thebes
66Egypt: Thebes: Medinet Habu - Medinet Haboo (Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III)
67Egypt: Valley of the Kings
68Egypt: Luxor
69Egypt: Karnak
70Egypt: Esna
71Egypt: Edfou (Edfu)
72Egypt: Kom Ombo
73Egypt: Philae
74Egypt: Temple of Dendur (Dendoor)
75Egypt: Abu Simbel
76Egypt: Wadi Saboea [Wadi es-Sebua]
Archaeological finds in Egypt
77Egypt: Wall art, bas-relief, hieroglyphics and graffiti
78Emil Brugsch: La Trouvaille de Deir-El-Bahari
79Délié & Béchard: Album du Musée Boulaq
80Egypt: Cleopatra's Needle
82Studio portraits in Egypt
83Mummies and Sphinxes as foreground props
84Schier & Schoefft: Folk types in Egypt (ca. 1866-1868)
85Naya & Schoefft: Pictoresque Cairo / Le Caire pittoresque - Portraits (ca. 1875)
86G. Lekegian: Portraits
87Hippolyte Arnoux: Egypt: Portraits
88Hippolyte Délié: Portraits
89W. Hammerschmidt: Portraits
90Emile Bechard: Portraits
Anglo-Egyptian War (1882)
91Anglo-Egyptian War (1882): Bombardment of Alexandria (1882)
92Anglo-Egyptian War (1882): Battle of Tel el-Kebir (1882)
Suez Canal (1869 onwards)
93Suez Canal (1859-1869)
94Early snapshots taken in Egypt
Christian architecture
95Egypt: Saint Catherine's Monastery
Islamic architecture
96Egypt: Cairo
97Van Leo: An Armenian Photographer in Cairo
Arab and Iranian contemporary photography
98Introduction to Arab and Iranian contemporary photography
99Issues in the representation of the Arab World
William de Wiveleslie Abney (1843-1920), Armand (1901-1963), Hippolyte Arnoux, Ernest Ashton (1860-1951), Renato Bartoccini (1893-1963), Antonio Beato, Émile Béchard, H. Béchard, Francis Bedford (1816-1894), Yannis Behrakis (1960-2019), Edouard Benecke (1817-1894), Ernest Benecke (1828-1894), Hugo Bernatzik (1897-1953), Charles Bierstadt (1819-1903), Peter Hinckes Bird (1827-1891), Auguste Rosalie Bisson (1826-1900), Adrien Bonfils (1860-1929), Félix Bonfils (1831-1885), Marilyn Bridges (1948-), Emil Brugsch (1842-1930), Harry Burton (1879-1940), Edward Charles Buxton Jnr (1839-1925), Henry Cammas (1813-1888), Campbell, Linda Connor (1944-), Keppel Archibald Cameron Creswell (1879-1974), Lynn Davis (1944-), François Joseph Edouard de Campigneules (1826-1879), Louis de Clercq (1836-1901), Hippolyte Délié, Délié & Béchard, Baron Paul des Granges, Ermé Desiré, P. Dittrich, J. Dozsay, Maxime Du Camp (1822-1894), Laura El-Tantawy (1980-), Beniamino Facchinelli (1839-1895), Thomas Hatton George Fermor (1832-1864), L. Fiorillo, C.G. Fountaine, Francis Frith (1822-1898), Charles Gerard, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804-1892), Frank Good (1839-1928), Albert Goupil, Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet, John Beasly Greene (1832-1856), W. Hammerschmidt, Ludovico Wolfgang Hart (1836-1919), I. Heyman, Hector Horeau (1801-1872), Leavitt Hunt (1831-1907), Mohammedani Ibrahim, Jules Itier (1802-1877), Barry Iverson, Pierre-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière (1798-1865), Friedrich Koch, Justin Kozlowski, Charles Lallemand, Lallemand & Hart, Gustave Le Gray (1820-1884), Georges Albert Legrain (1865-1917), G. Lékégian, Leon & Levy, Jacob August Lorent (1813-1884), Bedrich Machulka (1875-1954), Maison Bonfils, V.G. Maunier, Richard Misrach (1949-), Robert Murray (1822-1893), Youssef Nabil (1972-), Naya & Schoefft, Kazuyoshi Nomachi (1946-), John Penrice (1818-1892), Robertson, J. & Beato, F., Aimé Rochas, Louis Saboungi (1838-1931), Schier & Schoefft, Horst Schliephack, Otto Schoefft, Pascal Sebah (1823-1886), John Shaw Smith (1811-1873), Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900), John Alfred Spranger (1889-1968), John Benjamin Stone (1838-1914), Paul Strand (1890-1976), Stromeyer & Heymann, Félix Teynard (1817-1892), Alexandrine Tinne (1835-1869), Pierre Tremaux (1818-1895), Underwood & Underwood, Van Leo (1921-2002), Horace Vernet (1789-1863), J. Ward, Jean Weinberg, Claudius Galen Wheelhouse (1826-1909), Barry Wolf, Zangaki Brothers
Subscribers have access to the ninety nine informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
Improving content
1Improving content on contemporary photographers
Introduction to photography in Egypt
2Introduction to photography in Egypt
3Daguerreotypes: Egypt
Cartes de visite
4Cartes de visite: Egypt
5Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey: Egypt
6Jules Itier: Egypt
7Félix Teynard: Egypt and Nubia
8Félix Teynard: Egypt and Nubia: Negatives
9Louis de Clercq: Egypt
10Maxime du Camp: Egypt
11John Shaw Smith: Archaeological sites of Egypt (1851-1852)
12John Beasly Greene: Le Nil (1854)
13Robert Murray: Egypt
14François Joseph Edouard de Campigneules: Egypt (1858)
15Antonio Beato: Egypt
16Henry Cammas: Egypt (taken 1859-1860)
17Francis Frith: Books on Egypt, Sinai and Palestine
18Francis Frith: Egypt
19Francis Frith: Stereoviews: Egypt, Nubia and the Middle East
20Francis Frith: Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia, Illustrated with One Hundred Stereoscopic Photographs (1862)
21Francis Bedford: The Prince of Wales and his trip to the East - Egypt (1862)
22C.G. Fountaine: Photographic views taken in Egypt and Greece by C. G. Fontaine (1862)
23Gustave Le Gray: Egypt
24W. Hammerschmidt: Egypt: Archaeological sites
25G. Lékégian: Egypt: Archaeological sites
26Hippolyte Arnoux: Egypt: Archaeological sites
27Zangaki Brothers: Egypt: Archaeological sites
28P. Dittrich: Egypt: Archaeological sites
29William de Wiveleslie Abney: Thebes and its Five Greater Temples (1876)
30H. Béchard: The Pyramids
31Pascal Sebah: Egypt: The Pyramids and the Sphinx
32Abdullah frères: Egypt
33Strohmeyer & Wyman: Egypt
34Charles Piazzi Smyth: Lantern slides and other photographs of Egypt
35Photographing in Egypt W.M. Flinders Petrie (1881-1891)
36The Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan (1905-1907)
37Photographing in the interior of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel (1906)
38Photographing the Temple of Amun and Amunhotep III at Soleb (1907)
39Charles Jacquin (French): Autochromes of Egyptian archaeological sites (ca 1912)
Cities - Cairo
40Egypt: Cairo
41Pascal Sebah: Cairo
42Francis Frith: Cairo
43W. Hammerschmidt: Cairo
44Zangaki Brothers: Cairo
45Félix Bonfils: Egypt: Cairo
46H. Béchard: Cairo: Streets
Cities - Alexandria
47Egypt: Alexandria
48Egypt: Shepheard's Hotel / Hotel Shepherd
Travel guides and photography
49Karl Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers - Cairo
50Underwood & Underwood: James Henry Breasted - Egypt Through the Stereoscope
51Clara Whitcomb`s diary: Egypt and the Levant (1898-1899)
The Nile
52Egypt: The Nile
53Egypt: First and Second Cataracts of the Nile
Archaeological sites in Egypt
54Egypt: Alexandria: Column of Pompey
55Egypt: Cairo: Cemeteries and tombs of the Mamalukes
56Egypt: The Pyramids of Giza
57Egypt: Climbing the Pyramids
58Egypt: The Sphinx
59Egypt: Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), Sakkarah (Saqqara)
60Egypt: The Pyramids of Dahshoor (now Dahshur or Dashur)
61Egypt: Beni Hasan
62Egypt: Abydos
63Egypt: Dendara
64Egypt: Colossi of Memnon
65Egypt: Thebes
66Egypt: Thebes: Medinet Habu - Medinet Haboo (Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III)
67Egypt: Valley of the Kings
68Egypt: Luxor
69Egypt: Karnak
70Egypt: Esna
71Egypt: Edfou (Edfu)
72Egypt: Kom Ombo
73Egypt: Philae
74Egypt: Temple of Dendur (Dendoor)
75Egypt: Abu Simbel
76Egypt: Wadi Saboea [Wadi es-Sebua]
Archaeological finds in Egypt
77Egypt: Wall art, bas-relief, hieroglyphics and graffiti
78Emil Brugsch: La Trouvaille de Deir-El-Bahari
79Délié & Béchard: Album du Musée Boulaq
80Egypt: Cleopatra's Needle
82Studio portraits in Egypt
83Mummies and Sphinxes as foreground props
84Schier & Schoefft: Folk types in Egypt (ca. 1866-1868)
85Naya & Schoefft: Pictoresque Cairo / Le Caire pittoresque - Portraits (ca. 1875)
86G. Lekegian: Portraits
87Hippolyte Arnoux: Egypt: Portraits
88Hippolyte Délié: Portraits
89W. Hammerschmidt: Portraits
90Emile Bechard: Portraits
Anglo-Egyptian War (1882)
91Anglo-Egyptian War (1882): Bombardment of Alexandria (1882)
92Anglo-Egyptian War (1882): Battle of Tel el-Kebir (1882)
Suez Canal (1869 onwards)
93Suez Canal (1859-1869)
94Early snapshots taken in Egypt
Christian architecture
95Egypt: Saint Catherine's Monastery
Islamic architecture
96Egypt: Cairo
97Van Leo: An Armenian Photographer in Cairo
Arab and Iranian contemporary photography
98Introduction to Arab and Iranian contemporary photography
99Issues in the representation of the Arab World

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