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Alphonse-Louis Poitevin, 1856, Halles Centrales, a Paris, Vue du pavillon sud-ouest pendant le montage, Poitevin process photolithograph, Archive Farms, LL/55181
Charles Hawes (New Bedford, Massachusetts), 1856, Portrait of a dapper figure, purportedly Capt. George W. Dodge (1830- ?), master of the whaling bark Superior (New Bedford, Massachusetts), Ambrotype, whole plate, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/69029
Charles Meryon, 1856, View of San Francisco [detail, centre], Etching and drypoint, detail, Princeton University Library, LL/91288
Charles Meryon, 1856, View of San Francisco [detail, left], Etching and drypoint, detail, Princeton University Library, LL/91287
Charles Meryon, 1856, View of San Francisco [detail, right], Etching and drypoint, detail, Princeton University Library, LL/91289
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1856, Sheepshanks telescope first erected on Mount Guajara, the Peak of Teneriffe in the distance, Stereoview, Archive Farms, LL/104237
Leopold Grozelier (artist, 1830-1865) Loyal M. Ives (Loyal Moses, daguerreotypist, 1821-1896), 1856, The sailor's farewell, Lithograph, hand-coloured, Library of the Boston Athenaeum, LL/61343
Lowden/Scott's (patent), 1856, Stereoscope no.199 on a lacquered-brass and wooden column and turned wooden base, sold by Negretti & Zambra, London, Stereoscope, National Museums Scotland, LL/68400
Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), 1856, Broken Vows, Oil paint on canvas, Tate Britain, LL/68501
Richard Harmer, 1856, Page one of Richard Harmer's 1856 British patent application (No. 2832, "Stereoscopic Pictures") for the bicoloration of stereo photographs, British patent, Private collection of Paula Fleming, LL/83498
T.R. Williams, 1856, The Old Larder, depicting a still life of food and wine on a table including two birds, bottles and flasks of wine, a barrel with the initials 'TRW' and baskets of vegetables, Daguerreotype, stereo, National Museums Scotland, LL/68254
T.R. Williams, 1856, Scenes in Our Larder (Onions), depicting a rustic still life with a dead hare, pheasant, birds, and other game, a rake, a lantern, a jar labelled 'Onions' and a sack with a tag, Daguerreotype, stereo, National Museums Scotland, LL/68239
Unidentified photographer (USA, 19th century), 1856, Untitled (Portrait of Two Standing Women Holding an American Flag), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114491
Johnson & Henderson, 1856 (taken), Vallabháchárya Mahárájas, [The Oriental Races and Tribes, Residents and Visitors of Bombay: A Series of Photographs with Letter-press Descriptions by William Johnson Bombay Civil Service (uncov), no, 23, vl, "Gujarat, Kutch. and Kathiawar", London, 1863], Albumen print, letterpress on card, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/79487
1856, Title page for V. Giuseppe Sella, 1856, Plico del fotografo overo arte pratica e teorica di disegnare uomini e cose sopra vetro, carta, metallo, ecc. col mezzo dell'azione della luce, (Torino: Tipografia Paravia e Comp.), Book title page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/91580
Johnson & Henderson, 1856, Book cover for William Johnson & William Henderson, 1856, The Oriental races and tribes, residents and visitors of Bombay, A Series of Photographs, with Letter-press Descriptions, volume I, (Mumbai, India: Maharashtra), Book cover, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/73459
Johnson & Henderson, 1856, Back cover for William Johnson & William Henderson, 1856, The Oriental races and tribes, residents and visitors of Bombay, A Series of Photographs, with Letter-press Descriptions, volume I, (Mumbai, India: Maharashtra), Book cover, back, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/73460
Auguste Salzmann, 1856, Title page for Auguste Salzmann "Jerusalem, Etude et reproduction photographique des monuments de la ville sainte depuis l' époque judaique jusqu'à nos jours" (Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Evrard), Title page, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/40385
Bland & Long (authors), 1856, Title page for "Illustrated Catalogue of Apparatus & Chemical Preartions used in the Art of Photography; Comprising the Daguerreotype, Calotypeà" (Bland & Long, Opticians, 1856), Title page, Google Books, LL/34640
Charles A. Long (author), 1856, Title page "Practical Photography an Glass and Paper, A Manual" by Charles A. Long (Second edition, London: Bland & Long, Opticians)., Title page, Google Books, LL/34637
Charles Guillain, 1856, Title page for Charles Guillain, [1856], Voyage a la Côte Orientale d'Afrique, exécuté pendant les années 1846, 1847 et 1848, par le Brick le Ducouedic, (Paris: Arthus Bertrand), Title page, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, LL/60337
Charles Guillain, 1856, Title page and contents page for Charles Guillain, [1856], Voyage a la Côte Orientale d'Afrique, exécuté pendant les années 1846, 1847 et 1848, par le Brick le Ducouedic, (Paris: Arthus Bertrand), Title and contents page, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, LL/60319
George Shaw Lefevre, 1856, Book cover for G. Shaw Lefevre, 1856, Photographic Views of Sebastopol taken immediately after The Retreat of the Russians, September 8, 1855, (London: J. Hogarth), Book cover, The Royal Collection, LL/61163
John William Draper, 1856, Title page for John William Draper, 1856, Human Physiology, Statistical and Dynamical; or, the Conditions and Course of the Life of Man., (New York: Harper & Brothers), Book title page, Archive Farms, LL/112624
Marcus Sparling, 1856, Title page for "Theory and Practice of The Photographic Art; including it's Chemistry and Optics" by W. Sparling (London: Houlston and Stoneman, 1856), Title page, Google Books, LL/34873
Philip Henry Delamotte, 1856, Title page of Philip H. Delamotte, "The Oxymel Process in Photography", (London: Chapman & Hall, 1856), Title page, Google Books, LL/40228
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, The explorations of Fremont, Book page, Google Books, LL/36160
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, Dighton Rock, Google Books, LL/34434
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, Head Rests - For enabling the Sitter to keep the Head in one position without fatigue, Catalogue illustration, Google Books, LL/34641
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, Tent for working collodion in the open air, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34638
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, A dark tent packed, Catalogue illustration, Google Books, LL/34639
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, Morocco Cases, with Gilt Mats, Catalogue illustration, Google Books, LL/34642
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856, The use of a Daguerreotype to recognise Dn. Angel Herreros de Mora escaping Spain to have freedom of religion, Book page, Google Books, LL/36090
1856, C.E. Clifford - Photography Apparatus and Chemical Warehouse, Advert, Google Books, LL/35354
1856, John Sanford's Price List of the Calotype and Talbotype Papers, Advert, Google Books, LL/35357
1856, Newman's Photographic Colors, Advert, Google Books, LL/35358
1856, Farmer's Photographic Portraits, Brighton, Advert, Google Books, LL/35359
1856, No. 4 Complete Set of Daguerreotype Apparatus, supplied by Bland and Long, London, Advert, Google Books, LL/34636
Whipple & Black, 1856, Daguerreotypes & Crystalotypes by Whipple & Black, at 96 Washington Street, Boston., Book page, Google Books, LL/38256
David Brewster, 1856, Title page for "the Stereoscope its History, Theory and Construction with its Application to the Fine and Useful Arts and to Education" by Sir David Brewster (London: John Murray, 1856), Book title page, Google Books, LL/34768
Eliphalet Brown, 1856, Matsmai Kangasyu, Deputy of the Prince of Matsmay, Lithograph, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112695
Eliphalet Brown, 1856, Title page for "Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan; Performed in the Years 1802, 1853, and 1854, Under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry, U. S. Navy" (New York : D. Appleton & Co.,1856), Title page, Google Books, LL/35134
James Robertson, 1856, Photographic Establishment, Pera, Constantinople, under the Immediate Superintendence of James Robertson, Advert, Google Books, LL/36098
Robert H. Vance, 1856, Advertisement for R. H. Vance's Premium Daguerreotype Studio, Advert, lithograph, Archive Farms, LL/38864
Robert H. Vance, 1856, Advertisement for R. H. Vance's Premium Daguerreotype Studio, Advert, lithograph, Archive Farms, LL/38863
Robert H. Vance, 1856, Major General William Walker. Commander in Chief of the Republic of Nicaragua. (from a Daguerreotype by "Vance" San Francisco.), Book plate, frontispiece, Google Books, LL/36166
Thomas Sutton, 1856, Photographic Notes - Journal of the Photographic Society of Scotland and of the Manchester Photographic Society, edited by Thomas Sutton, B.A., Vol. 1, 1856, Journal page, Google Books, LL/34383