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1Introduction to photography in Italy
3Daguerreotypes: Italy
4Lorenzo Suscipj (daguerreotypist) and Johann Jakob Falkeisen (artist, Swiss, 1804-1883): Vues d'Italie d'après la daguerreotype (Ferdinando Artaria et Fils, 1840-1841)
Calotypes and salt prints
5Paper photography: Italy
The Roman Photographic School
6The Roman Photographic School - Circolo del Caffé Greco (1847-1855)
7Édouard Delessert: Ile de Sardaigne: Cagliari et Sassari, 40 Vues Photographiques (1854)
The Defence of Rome (1849)
8Stefano Lecchi: The Defence of Rome (la difesa di Roma) (1849)
Eugene Piot
9Eugene Piot: Italy (1849-1852)
Alphonse Bernoud Grellier
10Alphonse Bernoud & Claude Grillet: Italy: Earthquake damage (1857-1858)
Giovanni Brampton Philpot
11Giovanni Brampton Philpot: [Florence and vicinity] (1855-1860)
Robert Macpherson
12Robert Macpherson: The monuments of Rome
13Robert Macpherson: The statues of Rome
James Anderson
14James Anderson: The Roman Forum
15James Anderson: The Colosseum
Gabriel de Rumine
16Gabriel de Rumine: Italy (1858-1859)
Fratelli Alinari
17Fratelli Alinari: Italy: Florence
18Fratelli Alinari: Italy: Pisa: Leaning Tower
19Fratelli Alinari: Italy: Rome: Colosseum
20Fratelli Alinari: Portraits
Giorgio Sommer
21Giorgio Sommer: Naples
Robert Rive
22Robert Rive: Pompeii
23Robert Rive: Rome
24Robert Rive: Naples
Enrico Van Lint
25Enrico Van Lint: Pisa
Carlo Naya
26Carlo Naya: Italy: Venice: Grand Canal
27Carlo Naya: Italy: Venice: Palaces
Francis Heyland (Francesco Heyland)
28Francis Heyland: Italy: Pavia: Carthusian Monastery of the Certosa (ca 1865)
Italian Risorgimento (1849-1871)
29Introduction to the Italian Risorgimento (1849-1871)
30Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian general, revolutionary and republican (1807-1882)
31Eugène Sevaistre: Italian Risorgimento - Gaeta (1860-1861)
32Eugène Sevaistre: Italian Risorgimento - Palermo (1860)
33Gustave Le Gray: Palermo (1860)
Vesuvius and Pompeii
34Italy: Pompeii
35Giorgio Sommer: Eruption of Vesuvius (1872)
36Giorgio Sommer: Pompeii
37Giorgio Sommer: The ash-covered remains from Pompeii
38Michele Amodio: Pompeii
39Thomas H. Dyer: The Ruins of Pompeii. A Series of Eighteen Photographic Views (1867)
L'Italie pittoresque
40Naya and Schoefft: L'Italie pittoresque (before 1875)
41Paris-Stereo: Vues d'Italie
Travel guides and photography
42Karl Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers - Italy
Albums for travelers
43Souvenir albums for travelers in Italy
44Enrico Van Lint: Ricordo di Pisa (ca 1875-1880)
45Album of cyanotypes of Florence, Italy (1880s or later)
48Stereotypical portraits in nineteenth century Italy
49James Craig Annan: Venice and Lombardy: A Series of Original Photogravures (1896)
51Anton Giulio Bragaglia (1890-1960) and Arturo Bragaglia (1893-1962)
Second World War (1939-1945)
52Margaret Bourke-White: Purple Heart Valley
Post-War Italy
53Introduction to Post-War Italy
54Mario Giacomelli: On Being Aware of Nature (Presa di coscienza sulla natura)
55Paul Strand: Italy: Luzzara: Occupationals
56Mario Giacomelli: There are no Hands to Caress My Face (Lo non ho mani che mi accarezzino il volto)
57Henri Cartier-Bresson: Italy
58Herbert List: Italy
Contemporary colour
59Luigi Ghirri: Kodachrome
60Franco Fontana: Colour
61Joel Meyerowitz: Tuscany
A. Luswergh e figlio, Alinari, Giuseppe Alinari (1836-1890), Leopoldo Alinari (1832-1865), Romualdo Alinari (1830-1891), Gioacchino Altobelli, Altobelli & Co., Altobelli & Molins, Michele Amodio, Amodio & Sprungli, Amodio Bros., Domenico Anderson (1854-1938), James Anderson (1813-1877), Andreotti & Co., Jean Andrieu, Anriot, Giuliano Ansiglioni, Antoniana, Libreria, Carlo Antonietti, G. Arena (1818-1906), Alfred Backhouse (1823-1888), G. Bacmeister, G.R. Ballance, O Baratti, Olivo Barbieri (1954-), L. Bardi, P. Barelli, Augusto Baroni, Renato Bartoccini (1893-1963), Pompeo Bassani, Letizia Battaglia (1935-), Gustave de Beaucorps (1825-1908), Edmond Behles (1841-1921), Bellagio, Gianni Berengo Gardin (1930-), Alphonse Bernoud (1820-1889), Raffaelo & F. Bertini, Pietro Bertoja, Alexandre Bertrand, Ugo Bettini, G. Bianchi, Pompeo Bondini, G. Borzoni, Antonio Giulio Bragaglia, Adolphe Braun (1812-1877), Domenico Bresolin (1813-1899), E. Bressanini, Giacomo Brogi (1822-1881), L. Bugliarelli, Tom. Burato, Callisti, I. Calzolari, Giacomo Caneva (1813-1865), Thomas Carr, Mario Carrieri, Mario Castagneri (1892-1940), Mauri A. Cavalli, Gustavo Eugenio Chaffourier, G.E. Chauffourier (1845-1919), Chevreton & Bottini, G. Chianese, Cinquini, Eugenio Cisterna (1862-1933), C. Coen & Figlio, Luca Comerio, Giorgio Conrad, Eugène Constant, Felice Crespi, Giovanni Crevaro, Giacomo Cristini, Giovanni Crupi, R. Cuccioni, Tommaso Cuccioni, F. D'Atri, Louis-Alphonse Davanne (1824-1912), Mario De Biasi (1923-), A. de Bonis, De Luca Bros., C. Degoix, Édouard Delessert (1828-1898), G. Della Valle, Fortunato Depero (1892-1960), Deroche & Heyland, E. Deveze, Cesare Di Liborio (1960-), P. Dovizielli (1804-1885), James Dunlop (1830-1858), Alessandro Duroni (1807-1870), Alexander John Ellis (1814-1890), Emilia, ESAN, Esposito & Figlio, F. Fassina, Giuseppe Felici, Ferrando, Giovanni Ferretto (1853-1921), Giuseppe Ferretto (1826-1873), Pietro Floriani, FR, Fratelli D'Alessandri, C. Fraticci, Fumagalli & Bender, Vincenzo Galdi (1871-1961), Partina Galeazzo, G. Genazzini, Vito Generini, Scevola Ghelli, Luigi Ghirri (1943-1992), Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000), Luca Gilli, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804-1892), Adolphe Godard, John Gossage (1946-), Claude Grillet, Domenico Riccardo Peretti Griva (1882-1962), Anton Hautmann (1821-1862), Francis Heyland (1830-1908), Crespi Hodcend, Henry Holden (1814-1909), G. Imperatore, Guiseppe Incorpora (1834-1914), Edward Kater (1816-1866), Charles George Hood Kinnear (1832-1894), Kulm, J. Lafranchini, Lori Lais, Sergio Larrain (1931-2012), Gustave Le Gray (1820-1884), Stefano Lecchi, LeLieure, Cesare Leonardi (1935-), Herbert List (1903-1975), P. Lombardi, Jacob August Lorent (1813-1884), Luswergh, Angelo Luswergh (1793-1858), Giacomo Luswergh (1819-1891), Peter Paul Mackey (1851-1935), James Calder Macphail (1821-1908), Robert Macpherson, Giovanni Battista Maggi, L. Majolino, Sante Vittorio Malli (1923-2005), Michel Mang, G. Marian, Marsigli & Rocchi, Louis Marzocchi (1888-1970), G. Marzocchini, Filippo Masoero, Achille Mauri (1806-1883), Ledru Mauro, Macedonio Melloni (1801-1854), Mentabone, Joel Meyerowitz (1938-), Migliorato, Moira, Pompeo Molins (1827-1893), E.C. Monaldini, Monaldini & Calisti, Paolo Monti (1908-1982), Achille Morelli, Ugo Mulas (1928-1973), Bruno Munari (1907-1998), H.F. Munster, Carlo Naya (1816-1882), Naya & Schoefft, G. Negri, Nessi, Giuseppe Nicci, Guiseppe Ninci (1823-1890), Alfredo Noack (1833-1895), Alfred-Nicolas Normand (1822-1909), Ferdinando Ongania (1842-1911), F.C. Palencia, Ed. Paoli, G. Papot, John Henry Parker, P. Passina, Alessandro Pavia (1824-1889), Enrico Pedrotti, Antonio Perini (1830-1879), M. Petagna, Philpot, Giovanni Brampton Philpot (1812-1878), Philpot & Jackson, Eugene Piot (1812-1890), Henri Plaut, A. Pomarelli, Carlo Ponti, Pietro Poppi (1833-1890), S. Porcelli, Paulo Ignazio Pietro Porro (1801-1875), L. Powers (1835-1904), Powers Bros., Pompeo Pozzi (1817-1880), Count Giuseppe Primoli (1851-1927), Guido Rey (1861-1935), L. Ricci, Richter, Giacomo Riva, Robert Rive (1817-1868), C. Rives, Stefano Robino, Giulio Rossi, John Ruskin (1819-1900), Marialba Russo (1947-), Alberto Rux, Luigi Sacchi (1805-1861), P. Salviati, T. Sargenti, Nicola Scarselli, Schemboche, Schemboche & Baldi, Gio-Batta Sciutto & Co., Sebastienutti, Eugène Sevaistre (1817-1897), Carlo Baldassare Simelli (1811-1877), John Shaw Smith (1811-1873), Giorgio Sommer (1834-1914), Sommer & Behles, Antonio Sorgato (1825-1885), J. Spithöver, Spithöver, Libreria, John Alfred Spranger (1889-1968), Sprungli, Jane Martha St. John (1801-1882), Stefano Stampa (1819-1907), Susan Hacker Stang, Bruno Stefani (1901-1980), Stereocolor, George D. Stevenson, William J. Stillman (1828-1901), Paul Strand (1890-1976), Lorenzo Suscipj (1802-1885), Thomas Sutton, Arturo Tagliaferro, Cesare Tardivo (1870-1953), Tato (1896-1974), A. Tavoli, Richard W. Thomas, Ludovico Tuminello (1824-1907), Oswald Ufer, G.B. Unterveger, Enrico Van Lint (1808-1884), Luigi Veronesi (1908-1998), E. Verzaschi, Vianelli Bros., Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931), Henry Stuart Wortley (1832-1890), Wanda Wulz (1903-1984)
Subscribers have access to the sixty one informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1Introduction to photography in Italy
3Daguerreotypes: Italy
4Lorenzo Suscipj (daguerreotypist) and Johann Jakob Falkeisen (artist, Swiss, 1804-1883): Vues d'Italie d'après la daguerreotype (Ferdinando Artaria et Fils, 1840-1841)
Calotypes and salt prints
5Paper photography: Italy
The Roman Photographic School
6The Roman Photographic School - Circolo del Caffé Greco (1847-1855)
7Édouard Delessert: Ile de Sardaigne: Cagliari et Sassari, 40 Vues Photographiques (1854)
The Defence of Rome (1849)
8Stefano Lecchi: The Defence of Rome (la difesa di Roma) (1849)
Eugene Piot
9Eugene Piot: Italy (1849-1852)
Alphonse Bernoud Grellier
10Alphonse Bernoud & Claude Grillet: Italy: Earthquake damage (1857-1858)
Giovanni Brampton Philpot
11Giovanni Brampton Philpot: [Florence and vicinity] (1855-1860)
Robert Macpherson
12Robert Macpherson: The monuments of Rome
13Robert Macpherson: The statues of Rome
James Anderson
14James Anderson: The Roman Forum
15James Anderson: The Colosseum
Gabriel de Rumine
16Gabriel de Rumine: Italy (1858-1859)
Fratelli Alinari
17Fratelli Alinari: Italy: Florence
18Fratelli Alinari: Italy: Pisa: Leaning Tower
19Fratelli Alinari: Italy: Rome: Colosseum
20Fratelli Alinari: Portraits
Giorgio Sommer
21Giorgio Sommer: Naples
Robert Rive
22Robert Rive: Pompeii
23Robert Rive: Rome
24Robert Rive: Naples
Enrico Van Lint
25Enrico Van Lint: Pisa
Carlo Naya
26Carlo Naya: Italy: Venice: Grand Canal
27Carlo Naya: Italy: Venice: Palaces
Francis Heyland (Francesco Heyland)
28Francis Heyland: Italy: Pavia: Carthusian Monastery of the Certosa (ca 1865)
Italian Risorgimento (1849-1871)
29Introduction to the Italian Risorgimento (1849-1871)
30Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian general, revolutionary and republican (1807-1882)
31Eugène Sevaistre: Italian Risorgimento - Gaeta (1860-1861)
32Eugène Sevaistre: Italian Risorgimento - Palermo (1860)
33Gustave Le Gray: Palermo (1860)
Vesuvius and Pompeii
34Italy: Pompeii
35Giorgio Sommer: Eruption of Vesuvius (1872)
36Giorgio Sommer: Pompeii
37Giorgio Sommer: The ash-covered remains from Pompeii
38Michele Amodio: Pompeii
39Thomas H. Dyer: The Ruins of Pompeii. A Series of Eighteen Photographic Views (1867)
L'Italie pittoresque
40Naya and Schoefft: L'Italie pittoresque (before 1875)
41Paris-Stereo: Vues d'Italie
Travel guides and photography
42Karl Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers - Italy
Albums for travelers
43Souvenir albums for travelers in Italy
44Enrico Van Lint: Ricordo di Pisa (ca 1875-1880)
45Album of cyanotypes of Florence, Italy (1880s or later)
48Stereotypical portraits in nineteenth century Italy
49James Craig Annan: Venice and Lombardy: A Series of Original Photogravures (1896)
51Anton Giulio Bragaglia (1890-1960) and Arturo Bragaglia (1893-1962)
Second World War (1939-1945)
52Margaret Bourke-White: Purple Heart Valley
Post-War Italy
53Introduction to Post-War Italy
54Mario Giacomelli: On Being Aware of Nature (Presa di coscienza sulla natura)
55Paul Strand: Italy: Luzzara: Occupationals
56Mario Giacomelli: There are no Hands to Caress My Face (Lo non ho mani che mi accarezzino il volto)
57Henri Cartier-Bresson: Italy
58Herbert List: Italy
Contemporary colour
59Luigi Ghirri: Kodachrome
60Franco Fontana: Colour
61Joel Meyerowitz: Tuscany

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